Become a what?!

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I woke up, my eyes blurry. My vision adjusted to the gloomy room. My eyes widened "wh-where am I?!" I called out, a man stepped into the room. My eyes widened. It couldn't be. "N-no you're not-" he silenced me by putting his finger on my lip gently "Y/N... I'm sorry it had to be like this. But this is your fault for being so curious after all~" he grinned "curiousity killed the cat I suppose" I narrowed my eyes at his remarks "fuck off, Todoroki" I felt tears fill my eyes "I thought you were gone! Lost maybe... Or worse, Dead! I waited for you and waited but you never came back.." I felt hot tears rush to my eyes "why didn't you come back?! And now you're... You're like THIS!" my voice got caught in my throat, I practically choked on my own emotions. I was drowning in it. He just stood there pathetically grinning "I hate you" I stated, gritting my theeth.
Todoroki simply grinned "well that's a shame, isn't it?" he said, so ever calmly.
It made me sick.

And now we return.

(Y/N's POV)
It had been around maybe a week since I was chained up in that room before I was finally moved into something a bit more... pleasant. It was just an empty room really, but it had furniture and such making it look more "homely" didn't matter anyway, I was still chained so no amount of furniture could make me comfortable.

Thankfully I was able to move around the room, the chains were long enough so I could do that. I layed down on the bed "oh god why did I get pulled into this mess..." I held back my tears, I couldn't cry. That was a sign of weakness! Crying was stupid. I felt tears streaming down my face anyways. 'dammit stop..' I thought, rubbing my eyes. 'stop it you're weak...' I heard soft knocking at the door, it's probably time for food. Every now and again a kind man made of mist would drop off some food for me. We'd have a nice chat.. It was, calming, in a way.

But this time, there was no mist-man, It was simply a boy I used to know, with now completely white hair. He must've died it for some reason. "Hello, Y/N" his tone was sickening. it's like you took out every single peace of joy from somebody and made them speak. Everything about him was so... Sickening. "what do you want?" I snapped at him, looking up at the tall man. I was shocked, he seemed upset. Wow, emotion, wouldn't think I'd see that from him. He sighed "I want to help you.." Oh great. The person who brought me into this shit now wants to help me.

"Why would you help me? You brought me here! You made this life harder than it already had to be?" I stopped my tears from falling "I can't even use my quirk to get out of here I-" I was cut off by a weight being lifted off of me and a clatter to the floor.
He unhooked the chains "That was really stupid of you-" I tackled him angrily "why did you do this to me??? Huh?! What's wrong with you!" He shoved me off of me "Look! I won't get you out of hers but.. I'll, I'll make sure they don't do something horrible to you /please/ listen to me" I sighed and finally calmed down 'Explain."

He proceeded to tell me that he was in a league, The league of villains. I grit my teeth remembering my experiences with the group at U.A. He also had told me that they were going to take my quirk and put it in what they call a "nomu" "But... I have an idea, you won't like it, but you'll have to deal with it unless you want to endure great pain after your quirk is removed." his eyes were cold, it made me shutter "wh-what do I have to do?" I bit the inside of my cheek nervously "You'll have to become a villain."

I,again, am sorry for the small chapter, I'm sick at the moment, but this weekend I'll try my hardest to write every day so I can bring you a long chapter!


Restraints (Villain! Todoroki Shoto X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now