...Excuse me?

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This photo just like HHHH (creds edamamenn333 on twitter I think)
M Y   O V A R I E S.... anyways..


he told me that they were going to take my quirk and put it in what they call a "nomu" "But... I have an idea, you won't like it, but you'll have to deal with it unless you want to endure great pain after your quirk is removed." his eyes were cold, it made me shutter "wh-what do I have to do?" I bit the inside of my cheek nervously "You'll have to become a viallain."

and we return

I let out a nervous laugh, a bad habit I had begun when I was younger. "I-I'm sorry what?! You expect me to just drop everything, my dream for that matter, and join your little stupid group-"

I bit down on my tongue. I couldn't run my mouth and yell at him like before, he's.. different now. I took a deep breath "What will I have to do if I do join...?" maybe if I knew, I'd know their motives and when I get out of here, I'll expose them. Todoroki raised a brow, as if shocked that I just might consider this.

He let out a soft, menacing hum. "Well, I don't think I can tell you now, can I? Cause if you leave.." he trailed off "I wouldn't want you ratting us out.." he knelt down to my height as I was huddled up on the floor. He smiled "so tell me, what do you say?"

I held my breath. I can escape if I do this.. I'll have a higher chance of getting out of here. "a-alright..." I mumbled.

The chains fell off my wrists and ankles as he unlocked the cuffs, he then led me to a bar of some sort, the lighting was quite dim, you know, like your normal snazzy bar, except this bar wasn't quite snazzy, it simply held a few weirdos within it.

The room was quite dusty, I could see individual dust particles flying in the air underneath each dim ceiling light. The benches were rough and the cushion was ripped, though still a bright red. The shelves were stocked with all types of alcohol and behind the counter was a man made of a purple smoke.

My eyes widened, I remember him, Bakugo and Kirishima had to fight him off in the U.S.J, my heart leaped into my throat, he was no joke. I glanced up at Todoroki, the realization kept hitting me every time I looked at him, I should fear him just as much as the rest... But I don't, and that's dangerous.

He gestured for me to sit, and I did, a rather.. crusty looking man stepped into the room, he had pale blue-grey hair along with a completely black attire. He looked up at me and he wore a hand on his face, also one of the men at the U.S.J, I figured he was the leader to all of this so I put my attention on him.

"Did she agree?" his voice was rough, yet not quite deep. I cringed internally listening to his voice. I nodded, answering for my self instead of Todoroki, as I am my own person and can speak. He laughed for a moment, before approaching behind me.

What was he gonna do?.. he reached out, wasn't his quirk decay?? Was he gonna turn me into a pile of dust and nothing more, I closed my eyes out of fear before I felt something wrap around my neck.. it was cold and quite heavy, I heard a snap and opened my eyes and touch my throat.

They applied a collar around my neck. A fucking collar. I bit my lip, daring to whisper "is this necessary?" he scratched at his neck roughly "we don't want you running off do we???" Shigaraki grinned.. I think, I wouldn't know there's a hand on his face. The man of smoke spoke for the first time "It's electrically powered and if you travel out of the area where we assign you, you'll be electrocuted and killed" I shuddered, that's rather cruel..

The collar felt strange, almost as if it was jeweled. I questioned the purple smoke man, who I learned was Kurogiri. "Ah, yes, it is disguised as a necklace, or choker, so you don't get questioned on it during your mission."

I furrowed my brows "mission...?" Todoroki then, chimed in. "You'll be assisting me in an undercover assignment. We'll be going to U.A, treat me like a new student when we arrive. We'll be "U.A Traitors", what we will basically do is inform the league of upcoming events so later on we could possibly.. Join these events as a league, like when we attacked the U.S.J"

I bit my lip, this wasn't so bad.. But I felt so horrible for doing this. But I had to swallow my pride for now and go with it "a-alright..." my hands were shaking. I don't think I'll get much sleep tonight.

WAIT! That's right I saw you bout to skip over this, please read it, it's a little important.

This chapter is a little longer, I'm aware Though that I haven't written a chapter for this since October 😅 my apologies, I never got to get to it and continue writing this chapter, but I eventually did... four months later.. Anyway! I have a schedule now that I will follow for this story, and my other one.. If you could check that out that'd be great k thx!

Schedule Below:

key: X= no writing/ publishing
W= Writing
P= Publishing

Mon.   X
Tues. X
Wed. W
Thurs. W
Fri. P
Sat. P
Sun. P

So basically, I'll write Wednesday and Thursday, if I don't publish Friday I'll publish on either Saturday or Sunday!
Thank you for your time ♥️

also thanks for all your comments on the story and votes, it means a lot U W U

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