Outbreak - Chapter One: Another Day.

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[To all of my beloved readers]

Thank you for your constant support and appreciation of my work, it's an honour to hear such positive and even heart warming feedback. To you I present the now "PUBLIC" version of Outbreak Special Edition, I figured all of my readers are entitled to all contents as you are all wonderful people that deserve nothing but the best, I look forward to seeing you on my next journey through the apocalypse in the upcoming sequel to the beginning of this successful serise.
Until then!

Happy Reading.

Yours Truly, Jessica A~💜
Chapter One: Another Day

I Wake up like I do every morning, I have a big old yawn and a good stretch before getting out of bed to go downstairs to make my coffee, have a small breakfast and watch a little TV before getting in the shower and getting ready for work.

I work at a phone company that's most likely going to go out of business soon, as we can't compete with foreign prices, I deal with a bunch of lousy co-workers and disrespectful customers all day... I often come home with a major stress headache, most days I can't find a reason to get out of bed.

I feel like my life is on a down hill tumble that keeps getting worse... I have this aching feeling an impending doom is approaching my life, like I'm not going to be able to control it...

Any who, after my shower I walk into my living room to turn on the TV to watch the morning news, not really caring about what's happening in the world I just sit there tired and eating my raisin brand cereal.

Something about leaked footage of an attack on an American Soldier in Iraq is being aired on the news, the story is intriguing for once so I turn my attention to the TV and watch the story unfold.

News Reporter: "This footage was leaked via an anonymous source in Switzerland about an American Soldier getting brutality and savagely mauled beaten then ripped apart while serving in Iraq, Before we air this footage we must warn you it is extremely graphic..."

"all of this was captured on an overhead military choppers infrared camera, as you can see the footage shows the soldier running from what appears to be several unarmed civilians that are chasing him, he opens fire and clearly hits one of the civilians but the now wounded civilian doesn't even stop to tend to his wounds, he just gets back up and like the others continues to chase down the soldier, they manage to pin the soldier down and then start ripping into him, we understand this footage might be too much for some of our viewers"

"Some people are going as far as to label this a Zombie based attack, doomsday prepar Scott Klindie shared his views on the story last night when this footage was leaked to Govies Exposed dot com."

Scott: "Man I tell ya the world as we know it is coming to an end! First we have downed lines in Texas and phone grids going black in Ohio and then there are the rumours about people being told not to travel due to rain storms despite the fact the US is facing the worst drought it's had in decades!!! Now we have this footage and it's all becoming clearer now! The government is lying to you my friends!!! Wake up!! Wake up and see the truth!!!"

Watching the story I become intrigued and want to watch more of it, but then I look at the clock and I realized I'm running late for work already! I put on my shoes and get in my car and drive off to work.

As I arrive at my workplace parking lot I'm greeted by my boss standing in the lot, he looks pissed off at me...

I'm late for work clearly but he never meets me like this... "what have I done now?" I think to myself, I park my car and calmly and open my door to get out to greet my boss.

"I'm late! and I do apologize Sir... Traffic conditions were a bitch... Road works and shit you know how it is ha-ha..." I told him.

He Remains silent, He looks at me with an angry expression. "... Alright just lay it on me..." I say sadly.

"I was just about to fire you for being late and I now I really feel like firing you for that bullshit excuse you just tried to use, but it's your lucky day Amber! Eight of your co-workers have called in sick and so I need you to work late and I'm not paying you overtime if all you do is come in late all the damn time." he said impatiently...

Confused as to how eight of my colleagues were sick all on the same day, I wanted to ask him how could it be possible when just yesterday they were all fine and dandy. but not wanting to piss him off more I nodded slightly and walked inside looking down as I approached my desk. "Another Day" I whispered to myself and started to get to work.

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