Outbreak - Chapter Four: City Of The Dead.

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Scared and confused as to what's happening I grab my jacket and some essentials and pack them into my car and take off down the street.

Driving slowly so I don't hit any of the wrecked cars, I soon come across a few more people shambling around the streets all of them dripping blood from the mouth, that moment my anxiety kicks in.

I eventually come across a huge crowd of these things and so I slow down and stop the car but I can see more of what I can only describe as... as fucking zombies... Behind me I'm now stuck between a rock in a hard place and I'm afraid to drive through them or get out of my car.

As one of the zombies pop up beside my car door out of nowhere I gun it through the horde running what felt like countless infected, I can hear the sound of bones breaking and organs squishing under my tires and I now have a smashed windshield that's covered in blood.

One of the infected must've been caught under my car because I can hear it dragging under the car and my car is leaving a blood trail now as I look out my side mirror.

My eyes are filled with terror and my heart is racing but soon I can see police lights in the distance and so I drive towards them hoping they could help me but... When I drive closer I see the cop cars are empty and I can see blood on the road next to the cars.

I suddenly felt helpless as I drive off into the city not knowing if this was a good idea or not but what else could I do? I'm not going to survive if I don't try and find some kind of help or at the very least something to help myself get out of this mess.

Everywhere I look as I'm driving I see carnage, I see those things eating corpses as they lay dead on the streets.

Twently minutes go by and I am soon out of the suburbs and in the city but my path is soon interrupted by what appears to be a military check point or something, it seems empty though.

I stop my car and slowly get out as I couldn't see anything around, the checkpoint looked like it was made in a hurry, it was set up over night while I was sleeping while whatever just happened happened, I look up the top of the gate and shout "Hello...?" Then suddenly a group of soldiers appear out from behind my car with guns pointed at me, one grabs me by the hair and pins me down, the others point their guns at my head.

I try screaming as they tie my hands behind my back and they soon gag me with a dirty cloth and step back and tell me to stay put while they examine me for any signs of infection, "I'm not infected!" I muffle through my gag and they take my temperature with a military thermometer.

"Slightly elevated." The soldier said.

"If she was infected I think we would be seeing it by now, everyone seems to showing physical symptoms after an hour of being infected." The other soldier said.

They come to the conclusion that I'm not infected they open the gate and bring me inside the compound and untie me, I remove my gag and soon I'm approached by who I assume is the man in charge of the compound.

"Sorry for the rough introduction ma'am but the stakes demand it" he said.

I cough a bit and slowly get up and look around and ask him. "What the fuck is going on here..?" *

He looks at me and crosses his arms. "Well... From the state of your car I can assume you've encountered them, I'm sure you've seen those movies where zombies are running around eating people?"

Wondering how this is all even possible, I let out a sigh as I calm down a bit knowing I'm safe at least "How did this happen...?" i ask him.

He looks to the side, he seems just as confused as I am "No idea ma'am.. we've been all over the East Coast trying to contain this outbreak following it all the way to the south putting down as many infected as possible."

My eyes widen and I shout "How come I never heard anything on the news about the rest of the country!? How come we were never warned!?"

One of the soldiers grab me by the hair and covers my mouth to stop me shouting "ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to keep your voice down those things are in the buildings around us and will hear us."

I stop shouting and he let's me go and another soldier hands me bag of what looks like packaged food, it had military markings on it

"There is time to fill you in later on the details, have some food you look like you're about to collapse" he said to me in a comforting tone.

I remain quiet and another soldier escorts me to where other survivors were sitting, scared, hurt, dying even, it seems there were only a handful of doctors in the compound and things looked bleek for us all.

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