Outbreak - Chapter Five: Death In The Air.

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Sitting on an old mattress with my packaged food, I finally have some time to think about all this... with the other survivors sitting not too far away, I can hear the hurt ones grunting and groaning from their injuries sustained on the way here.

I Don't believe anyone here is infected given the security check the guards gave me upon my arrival, but I still keep an eye on my surroundings just in case.

I Try to block out the pains of the others, it seems there's little to no help here as I can only see one medical tent here in this barricaded street section. I can't say I blame them for being ill-equipped as all of this mess pretty much happened overnight.

As I'm eating I try to avoid making eye contact with anyone "I Can't just sit here..." I think to myself, I then get up and give my food to a little girl that looked like she hadn't eaten in days, poor baby must be starving.

The little girl smiled at me, her expression letting me know she was grateful for my generosity and now she could finally eat.

She didn't say anything, but her happy silence said a thousand words in that moment, feeling good about what I just did for that little girl, I take a walk around the zone, seeing just how secure this place really is.

It seems the four buildings on both sides of the street are all boarded up with hasty and flimsy plastic sheeting and old wooden boards, the broken glass and the broken security shutters don't exactly strike me with confidence that this place is as safe as the people here think it is.

I approach one of the broken shutters and peel back a broken piece of it to peak inside, I can hear the infected cluttering the inside of the building but it's too dark to see them. then suddenly one of the soldiers grabs me by the hair and throws me away from the broken shutter and tells me to never ever mess the fortifications or I'll be shot on site next time.

Feeling pissed off as to how they could possibly think any of these flimsy broken shutters could even be called fortifications I give a mad expression and slowly get up and dust myself off and walk down towards the medical tent to see if I could help out at all.

The Soldiers Guarding the tent tell me civilian interference with the medical centre in this safe zone can end up in me being shot and they tell me I must go sit back down with the others. "But I'm going to go crazy just sitting here waiting to die! I want to help out here anyway I possibly can..." I say with a semi sad but serious expression and tone.

"Well, we are short handed.." the guard on the left Said to the one on the right

The guards soon let me in, thanking me for my assistance in this case, upon entry I'm met with two doctors and a four military scientists, one of the doctors clearly doesn't belong here and he looks like a normal doctor that deals with minor things instead of all the injuries the people have here. I could tell he was out of his comfort zone... But then again aren't we all?

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