Outbreak - Chapter Six: Into The Unknown.

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Looking around the makeshift medical treatment center, I could see just how under prepared everyone was when the outbreak hit, It completely took the government by complete surprise..

There's nothing much here to treat the kind of wounds the other survivors have, they have morphine and bandages though, perhaps I could use them to help out? After all I was the top student in medical class in college.

Okay maybe that was a bit of a stretch... but still I was good at what I did back then! I guess it's time to see what I can remember, soon enough I'm met with the doctor that had just lost the patient he was working on, I could tell by the expression on his face, he was down, like he had seen more death in the past day than anyone has and it was starting to take its toll.

He approaches me quietly before introducing himself, "I take it they let you in so you could help out around here? Eh... We'll take all the help we can get around here now... The names Robert, and you are...?" I try and act somewhat confident.

"Amber, it's an honor to be working with you guys, so... what do I do exactly?" Feeling like I completely blew my confident act I wasn't expecting my first assignment to be anything they would deem complimented as I'm no doctor like Robert here.

He gives me a numb look and sadly says "You can start by getting my examining equipment and putting it on the table next to the back of the tent.. it's in the big green case over there.. I gotta help Morgan get rid of this body.." I nod indicating my understanding of the situation.

I Grab the case Robert told me to and I head towards the back of the tent, there's appears to be a sealed off section to the tent with a bio hazard symbol painted on it, I most likely knew what was in there... all this examining equipment is straight from the CDC lab across the city, they setup this place not as a means of saving people, but to study the infection as it takes over someone, but without a government lead zone I guess they're now trying to save people instead.

I knew if I was to open the sealed section I'd be shot where I stood so I didn't take any chances with it despite my curiosity, besides I'd probably need a hazmat suit or something, anyways I continued to proceed with setting up the doctors examining equipment and I couldn't help but notice a file from the local hospital was sitting at the bottom of the equipment.

I needed to know what exactly happened here and if it was foul play or not... So I picked up file and checked behind me to make sure no one was watching me, as I'm looking into the file I see it's full of recent patient records from the hospital, all of them said to be suffering from a bizzar viral infection of unknown origin after said to have received bites from both people and rabid house pets and some via blood to skin contact.

As I looked through the records I came across several pictures of the now deceased victims of the infection... all of them shot in the head as they lay on the hospital beds, "Holy shit..." I thought to myself wondering what or where this virus came from.

I look at the files some more and discover it's a virus that has extreme regenitive abilities, it will not replicate under lab conditions making it incredibly difficult to study, it seems the virus is highly unstable as it causes infection rates to rocket within hours.

I put the records back into the case and see a bunch of other photos and medical document notes from Robert laying in the bottom of the case, these photos where different and looked like they were taken not too far from here, they display what I can only describe as mangled or mutations of those things outside the zone.

I decided to give the notes a look over, I was curious as to what exactly this virus does and how it works.

Note #1: "This virus is unlike anything we've ever seen, from what I can tell it's never the same virus each hour of the day, it shifts rapidly despite being unable to study it under lab conditions we've observed the virus mutate during transmission."

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