028: Breakdowns

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Marceline's POV

Ever since Bonnie and I got together, which was last week. Everything's perfectly fine. Ash isn't bothering me for a while, but I know he's up to something so we're being cautious about him.

I'm on my way to see Bonnie. I miss her every time we didn't get the chance to see each other. I just want to be with her all day but that would be weird and she might get tired of me sooner.

There she is, in their club room. But why does she looked so nervous?

"Hey babe," I said sweetly while approaching her. "Beemo said that we're having our very first bar gig this coming Friday and I was thinking tha-" she's not listening. Glob darn it.

She's spacing out. Is she okay?

"Bonnie, are you alright?" I asked worriedly, sliding swiftly to the seat beside her. She jumped a little. Why is she being so jumpy? I know something's wrong. I put a hand on her thigh and gently rubbed it with my thumb to keep her relax.

"Hey babe" she gulped. There's something definitely wrong.

"Bonbon are you okay? You seemed a little tense. I was talking about something and you're spacing out." I asked. She wants to tell me something and she's afraid of it.

"Uh, yeah. I saw Ash earlier." she finally spoke.

What blip?? Ash? That stupid jerk!?

"What!? What did he do?? Did he hurt you? Are you okay? That stupid jerk!! I should've punched him in the gut when I had the chance!" I fumed. My face is so warm bcos of the anger and frustration that I'm feeling.

Glob darn it! At least she told me. She knows that I know how to handle Ash myself.

"Marcy! Marcy, babe... I'm okay. He just tells me a few things and left. That's all." she replied. Her voice was soothing and it made me calm the instant I heard her calling that cute nickname of mine. She cupped my cheeks and caressed it.

"Glad you're okay. I swear I don't know what can I do to him if he ever tries to touch you." I replied. I rested my head on her hands. She gently stroke a strand of my hair off of my face and gently pecked a kiss on my lips. This girl, how can she be like this? In spite of the situation? I'm one lucky dork.

"Don't worry about it." she smiled reassuringly.

We stayed silent for a while.

"So, what were you saying earlier. Sorry, I was kinda spacing out," she spoke, breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah. Uh, Beemo texted me earlier that we're going to have our very first gig this Friday! And I was thinking about inviting you and the others." I beamed. I could dedicate a song to her, that would be nice.

"Really?? That's amazing!! Sure. I'll come!" she cheered. Having Bonnie to support the things I love is beyond amazing. She's lovely as ever.

"Thanks, Bonnie. Thank you for supporting and loving me. I would never want anybody else except you to be here with me on this journey. I love you." I stated while caressing her cheek, but why does she look a bit sad?

"Is there something wrong?" I asked worriedly and she shook her head. Her eyes, it's glistening with tears that she keeps holding back. But she's too soft, and a tear escaped her eyes. I held her face closer to mine and wiped off the tears.

Her stares are scaring the fuck out of me. It's like something is about to happen, and I don't know what it is.

She wrapped me in her arms. Hugging me tightly, like there's no tomorrow.

She burrowed her head in the crook of my neck and let out a sob.

"Bonbon. You're scaring me. What's wrong?" she's literally freaking me out.

"Nothing," she spoke and backing away from the hug. "Sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out. I just-- you know, breakdowns. I'm just so happy to be with you." she stated, letting out small sobs, and held my hand into hers.

Awww, that was sweet!! Bonbon please don't make me cry!!!! Instead of saying that out loud, I pulled her into a hug.

Glob, how can I be so lucky to have her.

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