chapter1 the beginning

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We all think of Lui as a mean and selfish person that only cares about himself and winning, i thought that too until one day everything changed, after i saw something i thought i would never see.

This is a story of how I fell in love with a heartless beyblade champion.

Seven months ago

I was in Japan for a beyblade tournament, i was more excited about it than i normally am because i usually always win with no problem, but i had a feeling this time it's going to be a little bit more fun i don't know why, but i also had a feeling Lui was going to be in this years tournament as well. Ever since he won last year's tournament he became really popular, but i don't like him, i hate his attitude and personality and I hate how he's always mean to people even his own team, it makes me sick, but the thought of battling him just makes me feel so excited. I just can't wait to battle against him.

I walked trough the doors of the WBBA building and walked to the locker room, was early because i wake up pretty early which is pretty unusual, so i had to wait a long time before the tournament finally begins. "Damn it why did i even come so early in the first place?" I whispered to myself in a emotionless voice. After a view minutes of sitting around and waiting in the locker room i got tired of waiting, so i decided to walk around for a little while to kill some time. I walked out of the locker room and walked around the halls of this big building for a long time.

There wasn't really much to see besides from dark hallways it was quite boring, "why are the halls so dark anyway? i doesn't make any sense-" then suddenly i heard yelling from one of the doors i was walking past, i opened the door slowly and peeked inside and there i saw Shu Kurenai and another person i couldn't see who they were but him and Shu are having an instance battle.

"You are not going to win this! Shu yelled out.

"Oh yes i am!" The mysterious yelled.

"No you aren't!" Shu yelled. Suddenly there was a really bright light, i couldn't see anything, but then i could hear the sound of a bey bursting, no wait it sounded more like a bey breaking....

"n-no, this can't be you broke my bey, you broke luinor!"

"i sure did, are you going to cry now!?" Shu said in a mean voice.

"i hate you....i hate you so much, and to think i actually looked up to you at one point!" That voice, i know that voice but why? why is he here? i thought that he didn't participate in the team battles and why did he just say that....his bey is broken!? There is no way someone like him would let that happen. I wonder how he feels right now loosing something that's really important to you must hurt a lot.... what am i thinking am i really being concerned about someone like him right now? What's wrong with me?

"you should just leave, why bother being here if you are that weak, it's pathetic!" Shu said with a evil smirk on his face.

"d-damn it!" When i looked closer I could see tears coming out of his eyes, no way is he actually crying!? I didn't even know someone as cold and heartless as him could cry!

"oh my god, you are actually crying, are you sad that i broke the only thing that ever made you happy in your pathetic life!?" He yelled at him with a smile on his face. Lui didn't even reply back, he just walked away with tears running down his cheeks, i know i hate him but he didn't deserve to have this happen to him. and why did Shu break it? he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to do something like that. He walked to the door with a sad expression on his face, I never thought i would see the day were he would be looking so sad. He suddenly looked at me and his expression went from sad to shocked to angry, he probably didn't notice anyone was watching them.

"how much did you see!?" He suddenly asked me in a mean voice while staring into my eyes.

"almost the entire battle." I said in a emotionless voice.

"....damn it, don't you dare tell anyone!" He yelled at me, i didn't even have time to say anything he just ran away.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled at him but it was to late he was already gone, he probably didn't even hear me. After that i went back to the locker room and waited for a view minutes, and then my suffering finally ended the tournament began.

After everyone was done battling for today

The day was over everyone battled there matches for today, i was just in the locker room sitting on one of the benches. the others already left, I can't help but think about what happened today, and i don't know why. He just looked so sad, i couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Well i guess there is no point in thinking about it now, there is nothing i can do about it, i can't change what happened today...but still...i can't help but think about it... And i never thought i'd ever see the day where someone as cold and heartless as him cries, from the outside he acts like someone who only cares about himself but was i wrong about him? Shu did call his Bey his only happiness....

"I should just go back to the hotel." i said to myself in a soft voice. I stood up from the bench i was sitting on and walked out of the locker room to go home it was already really late, i was really tired but i'm always tired, i should really get home before i accidentally fall asleep on the ground.

I walked out of the WBBA building and started walking to the hotel i was staying at, i was walking down the sidewalk it was already dark outside and nobody was around it was kind of relaxing, i don't know why but being alone always made me feel relaxed. It just jas a relaxing effect to it. I kept walking down the sidewalk for a few minutes before i finally got to the hotel, i walked inside of the hotel and then walked upstairs. I opened the door of my hotel room with the room key and walked inside "im home!" I said, i don't really know why i'm saying that even though i'm the only one here, i guess it's a habbit, i even said it back at home in Spain. Even though my parents are never around there always working, but i like being alone even though it's kinda lonely at times.

I walked over to the fridge and looked inside to see if there still was some food inside to eat, there was some left over pizza so i warned it up in the microwave and took it upstairs with me to my room. I sat down on my bed, i was just sitting here and eating my pizza it was boring, i never have anything to do while i'm not battling. And i can't stop thinking of what happened today, but why i hate him i despise why do i keep blushing when i'm around him? why do i care about his feelings anyways? He never cares about other people's feelings, so why should i care about his? I should probably just stop thinking about someone like him and go to sleep.

I hope you guys like the first chapter of this story, my first chapters are always a little bad but i still hope you liked it!

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