chapter4 collapsing

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Lui perspective.

After they told us who was going to battle who i went back to my training room, i didn't have to battle anyone today and i still can't believe Gabe and the others got me so far to participate in the team battles. They just kept annoying me for weeks. Why didn't i just say no and walk away? I don't like being in team battles i'm always afraid that i'm going to let my team and myself down, but they don't know that they think i'm just an asshole. But i guess that's my fault for acting like an asshole all the time, but that is the only way to get people to stay away from me. If i let people get close to me i'll become weak and i'll never defeat Shu, and i will never get revenge for what he did. He broke the only thing that ever made me happy in my pathetic life, he broke my only happiness and i will never forgive him for that. I'm going to get revenge and show him that i'm not as weak as he thinks i am.

When i got back to my training room i putted my training clothes on and started training, it's not that i like to train i do it because i have to. Most people think that i'm training to become better at beyblade but that is isn't true, i do train to become better at beyblade most of the time, but sometimes i train to loos weight. I always eat a lot without stopping when i'm feeling down but not when i'm around people mostly when i am alone, i don't want to get fat so i exercise a lot and something i even throw up. But i don't want anyone to know, they don't have to know. I don't want them to know how weak i really am. I trained for two hours long without stop and i wasn't about to stop anytime soon, but suddenly i heard someone knocking on my door. I always hate it when people interrupt my training can't they just leave me alone? I walked to the door and opened it while looking pissed off.

"What do you want!? You know I don't like it when people interrupt my training!" I yelled at however was knocking on my door.

"Me and the others were just wondering if you wanted to come train with us?" Katana said in a serious voice.

"You should already know the answer to that, so fuck off!" I yelled at him.

"Come on, don't you ever get bored of being alone?" He asked me.

"No go away, you're annoying me!"

"Please?" Kyo begged.

"I said no, now leave!" Immediately after i said that i slammed the door shut. got damn it why are they always bothering me they know I don't like being interrupted, but maybe i shouldn't have been that mean to them. "Well no point in thinking about it now damage already done" after i said that to myself i went back to training. It trained for four hours i didn't take a break at all, i just kept pulling the rope and after another minute i felt so dizzy and my vision started to get blurry i was so tired that i collapsed to the ground. I tried to stand up but my head was hurting so much, after trying so many time i didn't have any strength left and fell asleep without realizing it. I don't know for how long i was sleeping on the cold floor of my training room probably for a hour or something, but i didn't want to wake up yet i was still so tired but i could feel that somebody was shaking me.

"Hey, wake up!" Gabe said while shaking me.

"Ugh...." I slowly opened my eyes and trying to adjust to the bright lights in my training room.

"You're finally awake!" Gabe said in a slightly happy sounding voice.

"What happened....?" I asked him in a unusual soft voice, while rubbing my eyes.

"We don't know, when we walked into your training room we saw you laying on the ground unconscious." Shinki said.

I was still so tired my eyelids began to feel heavy and i was about to fall asleep again, i just want to sleep i'm just so tired i couldn't stay awake.

"Hey stay awake!" Gabe yelled at me while shaking me a little bit. I ripped myself free from his grip and slowly tried to stand up but that wasn't easy, when i stood up i couldn't even stand up straight i felt really dizzy and it felt like i was about to collapse again but when i did he catched me and everybody looked shocked.

"You shouldn't stand up, just sit down!" He said in a concerned voice.

"I can stand if i want to, you're not my boss!" I yelled at him.

"Well technically i am, i'm you're captain. "He yelled back at me while sounding annoyed and concerned at the same time.

"Shut up!" While i yelled that at him i tried to stand up again but the stopped me.

"I told you not to stand up!" Gabe yelled at me again.

"Shut up, i can do what i want!" I yelled back at him.

"God damn it why are you always so stubborn!?"

"Because i can be, i'm leaving!" I stood up and walked away slowly while trying to walk in straight line.

"Hey, get back it isn't okay for you to walk around like that, you can barely walk straight!" He yelled while walking towards me.

"Just stop caring about me already!" I yelled at him in anger.

"How can i not care about you!? You're my best friend!" He yelled at me with an angry and concerned expression on his face.

"....Just fuck off!" After i yelled that at him i tried to run away without collapsing and ran to the exit of the building and ran home. It was dark outside and it was raining but i didn't care about that. Right now i don't care about anything, i just want to go home. But when i was walking home there was only one thought in my mind. Why do they even care about me i'm always an asshole to them? I don't deserve a friend like Gabe i'm not worth his friendship he's better of without me, i have already excepted the fact that everyone hates me so he doesn't have to be around me anymore. I'm surprised he hasn't abandoned me like everyone else yet, i'm surprised he even talks to someone as pathetic like me.

But i guess he's going to leave me soon
too just like everyone else, he's going to hate me just like everyone else i know but i'm used to it. I've been hated by everyone for as long as i can remember but that's okay, i'm better of being hated anyway. If people likes you, you let them get close to you and that will make you weak and i don't want to be weak, so i don't want people to care about me.

When i was walking home and thinking it started raining even more, i was soaking wet and my hair was done, i always hate it when my hair is down. I continued to walk though the rain, my house was pretty far from the WBBA building, so i have to walk in the rain for a very long time. But i dont know if i can do that i'm very tired and i feel like i'm going to collapse at any second. But suddenly i heard someone say my name.

"Lui, what are you doing here?" I heard someone asking me. I looked at the direction the voice was coming from and when i saw who the voice belonged to i was a little bit in shock, why is Free outside in the rain at this hour?

"I'm walking home, what are you doing outside this late?" I asked him with a questioning expression on my face

"I felt like going for a walk." He said.

"In the rain!?" I said in a surprised but also shocked sounding voice.

He suddenly walked up to me and when he was standing in fron of me started talking again. "It calms me, anyway you look very tired is you house far from here?" He asked me.

"Yes...." I said in response in a soft voice.

"If you want you can sleep in my hotel room for the night?" He said in a emotionless voice while he was looking into my eyes.

"I don't want to!" I said in my usual annoyed and mean voice.

"But you'll catch a cold if you have to walk all the way back to your house." He said to me.

"Why are you even concerned about me!?" I asked him in an annoyed voice.

"I'm not concerned about you i just don't want you to get sick, because if you're sick we can't battle each other."

"True...." I said in a soft voice.

"Anyways, are you staying at hotel room tonight or not?" He asked me.

"....fine, i'll stay with you....!"

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

I'm very proud of this story so far!

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