chapter3 tournament

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I woke up at 9:30 i was really tired as usual and it is the day of the tournament, i wasn't very excited my team will most likely win as usual. but for some reason i can't help but feel like something is going to happen, i probably shouldn't think about it, or else i will be distracted during my matches. I grabbed my clothes from my closet and puted them on and walked downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast, i opened the fridge and took some eggs. I'm happy i went to the store yesterday if i didn't i wouldn't have any food right now and that wouldn't be fun...."the store"....i can't stop think about what happened at the store yesterday the thought keeps coming back to me. I shouldn't be concerned about him him right now, maybe he was just planning on eating the food with his that probably isn't it he doesn't really have many friends. Why am i even concerned about him just because he was buying a lot of food, it is his decision if he wants to eat a lot of food not mine. I should just stop thinking about it and do what i need to do, I grabbed a pan from the kitchen cabinet and started making a omelet for myself, after i was done making my omelet i placed the omelet on a plate and walked to the couch.

When i sat down on the couch i turned on the TV but there wasn't anything i wanted to watch, so i just watched some episode's of my favourite anime called Death Note on Netflix while eating my omelet. after thirty minutes of watching Netflix it was almost time for the tournament to start, i stood up from the couch turned of the TV placed my plate in the dishwasher puted my shoes on grabbed my room keys and walked to the tournament building. The tournament building wasn't far away from the hotel just like the beypark and the store, i live close to a lot of placed. After a ten minute walk i was finally there i opened the door and walked inside, and then i walked through the ever so dark hallway to the locker room. When i got to the locker room i sat down on one of the benches and waited, i was pretty bored i was early and the tournament hasn't started yet and i don't know what to do, i guess i could walk around in the dark hallways for a bit until the tournament starts.

I walked out of the locker room i closed the door behind me and started walking down the hallway, there wasn't much to see besides from a dark hallway it was really quiet and there was nobody walking in the hallways but it doesn't really bother i like being alone. I walked for another few minutes until i walked past the boys and girls bathrooms, i thought I heard something coming from the boys bathroom but i wasn't sure. I placed my ear against the door of the boys bathroom so i could hear it better and then i heard it, it was the sound of someone vomiting. i was going to open the bathroom door so i could see whoever was vomiting but then somebody else opened the door from the inside. I really didn't expect him to be the one that was vomiting, he must be really sick because he still looks really pale and unhealthy. His blue hair was also down, it was a pretty weird sight to see.

"Are you ok!?" I asked him, there was a little bit of concern in my voice.

"Why wouldn't i be!?" Lui Asked in a angry sounding voice.

"Because you were vomiting!" I said to him with a little bit more emotion in my voice then usually.

"Just because i was vomiting doesn't mean i'm not ok, now shut up i don't feel like talking to you!" After he yelled that at me he walked away, he wasn't even walking straight and it looked like he was going to collapse at any second, i quickly grabbed his arm to make sure he didn't walk away.

"What's going on with you, you are acting strange!" I suddenly yelled at him, i didn't even sound like myself when i did.

"What do you mean!?" He asked with a confused expression on his face, but that confusion quickly got replaced with anger.

"You are just acting differently" I said in a concerned voice, i don't even know why i am being concerned about him.

"....This is a waist of my time!" After he said that he pulled back his arm and walked away, i don't know what's going on but there is defiantly something wrong with him but i don't know what. I should just stop thinking about it and just go back to the locker room, Chris might be looking for me. When i got back to the locker room Chris started yelling at me.

"Oh my god where were!? you i was so worried about you!" She yelled at me.

"I was just walking around." I said in an emotionless voice.

"Well next time tell me, ok." She said with a gentle smile on her face.

"I will." After i said that i sat down on ind if the benches again and waited. After another few minutes the tournament finally started, there where a lot of bladers participating this time. I didn't know many of them but knew some of them, but he was also here, Shu Kurenai....For some reason i just don't like him probably because of what he did seven months ago, i just hope Lui gets revenge....god damn it why am i thinking about him so much? Maybe i don't hate him as much as i thought i did, maybe he isn't such a bad person as i thought he was. I should probably just focus on the tournament, and try to stop thinking about him so much from now on. But that probably won't be easy he has been on my mind for the past month, maybe i don't hate him as much as i thought i did...

No that can't be it we both hate each others guts, i only respect him as a blader but as a person i despise him. And he despises me too, we will never stop hating each other and we will never be friend. We like battling each other but we don't like each other, or am i wrong? God damn it i don't know how many times i'm going to say this to myself but i should stop thinking about him, the tournament has started and that means i can't get distracted or else there is a chance i could lose but not like that's likely to happen. But i still have to do my best, after all i don't like losing.

But i really hope me and him get to battle, the thought of battling him makes me so excited i never felt like this about anyone. But for now i should just focus on my other matches before thinking of battling him.

I hope you guys liked this new chapter!

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