chapter2 meeting again

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I woke up pretty early in the morning which is pretty unusual for me, i guess i couldn't sleep because i was constantly worrying about Lui. Ever since a month ago i just couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the WBBA, and i don't know why. It has been a few months after the weird event that took place at the WBBA seven months to be specific, me and him haven't seen each other since. I'm kinda worried about him, he hasn't been batting in tournaments and that's a pretty strange thing for him to do.

Most of the time he's always participating in tournaments, maybe something bad happened to him. I know i hate him but i don't want anything bad to happen to him, maybe i'm just overthinking it there's probably nothing wrong with him, i don't even know why i'm being so concerned about him anyways. I should just try not to think about it so much and move on with my life, it's not like i have time to think about it there is another tournament coming up soon and my team is participating in it. The team i'm on is a pretty popular team from Spain the country i live in, but right i'm staying in a hotel room in Japan, it's a really big room it even has a second floor.

I guess i should go to beystadium at the beypark to train a little, i stood up from my bed walked to my closet and putted on my usual clothes. "i should probably eat something before i leave" I said to myself. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and looked in the fridge. There wasn't much food in the fridge only some left overs and fruit, i should really go shopping soon. I took an apple, putted my shoes on went outside and walking to the beypark while eating a apple. The beypark wasn't that far away from the hotel it was actually pretty close, i only had to walk for five minutes until i got there. When i got there i looked around there was nobody that means i can train without fans or people that want to battle me everywhere. I walked up to the beystadium took out my launcher and my bey and got ready to launch.




Let it rip!

I launched my bey into the stadium the launch was pretty good but not good enough, when my bey stopped spinning i grabbed it and launched it again.




Let it rip!

After that i launched it again and again without stop after hours of training i finally stopped, i felt a little tired but not that tired that i would collapse. I walked up to a bench and sat down, suddenly I got the feeling that someone was here too i looked around and then I saw someone standing by the beystadium. He had blue flame like hair and a soft looking white scarf, it doesn't seem like he didn't noticed i was here, after a few seconds he turned around and finally noticed me.

"Oh, so your here to huh." He said in a soft but still harsh sounding voice.

"Hey, haven't seen you in seven months." I said in my usual emotionless voice.

"You had no reason to see me." He said while looking at me.

"I know but still you haven't been participating in any tournaments, and that's pretty unusual for you." I said while looking at him.

"What's so weird in not wanting to participate in tournaments!?" He asked in a angry sounding voice.

"I just thought it was strange that's all, no reason to get so angry. Are you not participating in tournaments because you never got a new bey?" I asked him while staring straight into his eyes.

".....I'm Leaving!" He suddenly said as he started to walk away.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled at him.

"What!?" He yelled back at me in a angry tone. I walked up to him and that's when i noticed that something was wrong with him, his face was even more pale then the last time i saw him and he had bags under his eyes and it looked like he had gained some weight but it wasn't that noticeable.

"Are you alright?" I asked him while hiding the fact that i'm concerned.

"What do you mean!?" He said in a harsh tone with a angry look on his face.

"You look really sick!"

"Well i'm not, now leave me alone!" He yelled at me.

"Geez i was only trying to be nice, you know this is why people hate you." I said while sounding a little bit annoyed.

"Just shut up, and by the way i did get a new bey!" After he said that he walked away, he got a new bey does that mean he is going to participate in the upcoming tournament. after he was gone i started training again for another hour but i just couldn't stop thinking about him, he looked really sick he can't participate in the tournament if he is sick! Even though i hate him i'm still concerned about him, what's wrong with me? I should just go back to my hotel room it's starting to get dark outside and i'm hungry, i should probably also go to the store to get food or i'll end up starving. I walked back to the hotel to get some money to buy food the streetlights are already on, when i got home i was really tired probably from all the training i did today "I'll just go to the store tomorrow" i said to myself as I walked to my room.

When i got to my room i grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote 'go to the store!' On it so that i wouldn't forget. After that i walked back downstairs with the peace of paper and laid down on the couch and scrolled through twitter for a while and then i fell asleep.

The next day

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping it was pretty annoying, i slowly opened my eyes and grabbed my phone and looked how late it was 12:35 that's pretty late. I stood up from the couch and walked to the kitchen but i still haven't bought food, and my stomach was growling that means i'm hungry that means i have to go to the store to buy food. But first i have to take a shower and put on new clothes, i walked upstairs to the bathroom and took a towel from one of the cabinet in the bathroom took of my clothes and took a shower.

After i was done taking a shower i puted on new clothes walked back downstairs puted my shoes on grabbed my wallet and my room key and started walking to the store. The store was pretty close to the beypark so it wasn't that far away from the hotel, when i got to the store i was looking through the aisles looking for food. But i didn't find much food that i liked, when i looking around at some other aisles then i saw him again.

"It seems we run into each other a lot." I said.

He suddenly looked at me with a surprised but also annoyed expression on his face."Shut up, i don't feel like talking to you!" Lui said in a angry sounding voice. He was about to walk away but then i noticed he was carrying a heavy back full of all kinds of food.

"Isn't that a little much for one person?" I asked him while pointing at the back he was carrying.

"Shut up, It isn't much!" He said to me in a harsh and mean voice.

"Yes it is, are you planning on eating all of that alone?"

"No, i'm not, and even if did it will probably all be gone in a day or two anyway...." he said the last part in a really soft voice i couldn't hear what he was saying at all.

"What did you say? i couldn't hear you"

"I said 'and it's none of your businesses if i were planning on eating it all'!" After he yelled that at me he walked away, i shouldn't go after him he will probably get even angrier at me. after i was done shopping i walked back home but i was still worried about him i just have a feeling he was lying.

I hope you guys liked this new chapter!

And if there are any spelling grammars tell me.

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