chapter5 sleeping

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Lui's perspective

We were walking to the hotel were Free is staying in while not saying anything to each other. And it was still raining a lotthe rain. It was also pretty dark outside the street lights were on and there was no one outside besides from us two. Luckly we didn't have to walk for a lonv time, When we got to the hotel, me and him walked upstairs to his room. He opened the door to let me inside, when i was inside i started looking around. The room was pretty big and fancy looking, there were light pink curtains hanging infront of the windows, there was a really big and comfortable looking white couch and there was a big kitchen and also a flatscreen TV.

"I'm home!" Free yelled when he got inside.

"Why do you even say that when nobody is here?" I asked him in a mean voice.

"It's a habit of mine." He said without showing and emotion.

"It's stupid!"

"I don't care."

Why the fuck did I agree to stay over at his place for the night? I'm lucky that my father isn't home or else i would have a very big problem, and i really don't want that. I just want to sleep i'm so tired but i don't want to display weakness infront of him or infront of any for that matter, i don't want to be weak and i'll never be weak. I won't let people think i'm weak, I walked to the couch and sat down on it. The couch really is as comfortable as it looks.

"Hey, are you hungry?" He suddenly asked me.

"....No....!" I said to him in a mean voice.

"Aren't you even a little hungry?" Ge said while walking up to me.

"I said no so stop bothering me!" I was lying i really wanted to eat something to make myself feel a little better, i just wanted to stuff my face full with food so that i would feel a little bit better, but i really don't feel comfortable eating in front of other people.

"Geez you don't have to be so mean about it." He said in a annoyed sounding voice, which was strange because he never really showed any emotion at all.

"....Fuck off....!" I said while crossing my arms and looking away from him.

"Well if you are hungry tell me." After he said that he walked away, why is he being so nice to me? We fucking hate each other, so why is he being so fucking nice? It's confusing me so much and i hate it, it's so god damn annoying! But i can't get distracted because of this, i have to focus on training and becoming stronger. When i was thinking i laid down on the couch and after a while my eyelids began to fall down and i slowly fell asleep without realizing. I don't know for how long i was sleeping but i suddenly woke up, i was laying under a blue blanket it seems like Free laid it on me. all the lights were also off and it made the room very dark.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the time 02:32 it said it's really late i should probably go back to sleep, i laid back down on the couch and tried to sleep but i couldn't fall back asleep at all. And i was also really hungry i stood up from the couch to go to the kitchen but it was very dark so i couldn't see were i was going, and i accidentally bumped into someone.

"Looks like you are awake too." Free said while looking at me with his head slightly tilted to the right.

"Yeah....why are you even awake this late?" I asked him.

"I could ask you the same thing, why are you awake?"

"I woke up and then i couldn't fall asleep again!" I said to him.

"Same for me, but why are you in the kitchen?" He asked me.

"Because i was hungry....!" I said while looking away from him.

"Do you want to eat something?" He asked me.

"What do you think? Of course i want to eat something!" I said in a mean voice.

"I'll get you something to eat." After he said that he walked up to the fridge and looked inside, i walked to the table in the kitchen and sat down on one of the chairs and waited. While i was waiting I couldn't help but keep wondering why he is being so nice to someone like me, i'm always being mean to everyone he should hate me by now. I don't even deserve having anyone being nice to me, i'm weak no matter how much i convince myself that i'm not i still am just a weakling. And only strong people are meant for greatness, if you are not strong you won't achieve anything. And if you let people get close to you they'll hurt you, and make you even weaker. Pushing people away and working hard is the only way you can get stronger, if you don't do that you will never be strong and you will always be weak. And i don't want to be weak, i never want to be weak ever again.

"Here you go." Free said. When he said that he placed a plate with a peace of chocolate cake on it and a fork in front of me.

"Isn't it a little bit to early to be eating cake?" I asked him with a confused look on my face.

"Cake is one of the only things that i have, and by the way it's never to early for cake." I grabbed the fork and ate a bit of the cake, it didn't taste that bad. After that I started eating the cake pretty quickly, and he also started eating his peace of cake. After we were both done he started talking to me.

"So, what did you think about the cake?" He asked me.

"It wasn't that bad...." I said with my arms crossed.

"So you liked it."

"I never said that!" I yelled at him.

"Oh come on, i know you liked it!" He teased me.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" I yelled at him.

"No!" He said.

"Whatever, i'm going back to sleep!" I walked back to the couch laid down on it closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, and after a few minutes i was in a deep sleep. The next morning i woke up to the sound of someone talking, it was probably Free who else could it be? But who is he talking to? There is no one here, i stood up from the couch and walked to were the sound was coming from. When i got to the kitchen i could see he was on the phone, I can hear what he was saying.

"I know but-"
"Then when will i see you again!?"
"Your always away!...and i never get to see you....i-i really mis you guys...!"

"What!?" Free yelled while blushing.

After that he ended the call while still blushing a lot, i never seen him display so much emotion. When he calmed down i walked up to him.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked him.

"My mom....." he said while still blushing a little bit.

"Why?" I asked him

"Because i missed her, not like you would understand." He said to me. That made me angry, how could he know that i wouldn't understand. My mom is always away i never get to see her or even call her, and when she is gone she leaves me with my dad and being around him isn't all that fun.

"Well how do you know that!? My mom is also always away!" I yelled at him.

"Really, why?"

"...just forget i ever mentioned it...!"

Free didn't say anything, after i told him that he just looked at me for a few seconds before i started talking.

"I should probably go home..."

"Don't you want to eat something first?" He asked me.

"No!" After i said that i walked to the exit of his house opened the door and went outside and left, it wasn't that cold outside but it also wasn't that worm. I was at my house i opened the door with my key and went inside, i took off my boots and walked into the living room. but when in the livingroom my heart skiped a beat I saw something i never wanted to see in my live.

I hope you guys like this chapter comment what you think about it

the forgotten Past FreexbulimicLui(on Hold)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt