Till We Meet Again

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I manage to drop and roll away from the blaster fire with less than a second to spare. There are too many of them now. It seems that there are more being added to the oncoming assault with every passing minute, a never-ending barrage of unrelenting soldiers. I quickly crawl across the dirt to behind one of the rocks and give myself a chance to catch my breath before I jump into the fray again. I concentrate on the Force inside me and as I stand I am able to deflect and avoid all the shots fired at me although as time goes on it's getting more and more difficult and I can sense my luck may be about to run out.

From the corner of my eye I watch as fellow Resistance members, my crew, are struck down and their bodies left discarded on the battlefield. The stormtroopers step over them like they aren't even there and never existed. This has all gone wrong. Horribly wrong. My mission has failed. All my team are dead. I'm the only one left and fighting for my life like never before. This was supposed to be a simple recon mission. We are only here to find out why the First Order is on this planet. What is it they want? What are they up to this time? Easy as that, just observe and report. No contact at all. But it's all gone wrong. There should only have been one unit of troopers and now there are at least five all heading straight for me. We have been betrayed. Either by an inhabitant of the planet or by one of our own ..... and that doesn't even bear thinking about.

I can't hold them off much longer and every shot fired is getting closer and closer. I swing my saber to deflect an incoming onslaught of fire when one shot eventually gets through. The pain is instant and as I drop to the ground screaming my saber deactivates as it falls from my hand and rolls across the dirt. I clutch my right side where I've been hit just below my chest and it burns like nothing I've ever felt before. I squeeze my eyes closed and call on the Force to give me any help it can but it's too late. The battle stops, the last of their enemy down and all I hear is silence. I open my eyes to find I am surrounded in every direction. The troopers have formed a circle around me and every one of their weapons are aimed at my head.

Then from that silence I hear a faint noise, gradually getting louder. It's footsteps, making their way towards the circle around me, the sound of each step taken enhanced by the dirt being crushed underneath the weight of the person edging ever closer. The circle of troopers opens to allow them access and the owner of those footsteps approaches. I keep my head down, body doubled over in pain but I open my eyes just enough to see the black boots before me. No, it can't be him. He isn't even supposed to be here. One unit of troopers that was all. Not this, not him, not now. I'm not ready to face him yet and certainly not like this. He crouches down and I see his gloved hand pick up my saber and twirl it around before he clips it onto his belt. He reaches out towards me but I flinch away to avoid his touch. His hand hovers just next to me hesitant before he slowly retracts it and stands up. I turn my head to look up at him and our eyes lock, those same deep black eyes I remember from before, the ones that can reach into my very soul. He casually waves his hand and says, "Leave us". At the same time all the troopers lower their weapons, turn around and head back to their units. Now it's only us.

He keeps his eyes locked on mine as he slowly crouches back down next to me, his black hair falling down across the right side of his face and briefly covering the scar there before his hand reaches up and moves it back behind his ear. A few seconds pass between us when all we can do is just take each other in before he finally speaks. "Are you hurt?" "Like you care" I spit and I feel him jerk back at my reply. "Don't be like that Rey" he says then whispers "you know I care". "Hmmmm" is about all I can muster as the pain in my side gets more and more excruciating by the minute. He looks down towards my right side to were my hands are holding the wound. "Can I see?" he asks. "No, I'm fine" I say through gritted teeth. A small smirk starts to appear at the corner of his lips "always so stubborn". I roll my eyes as I slowly remove my hands from my side and we both look at the same time to find a gaping hole now bleeding heavily. I return my hands back to the wound to apply pressure as quickly as I can as I hold in the scream of pain threatening to escape me. "Let me help you" he pleads, "please".

I slowly nod 'yes' and he instantly reaches down and ever so carefully lifts me into his arms and starts to carry me towards the nearest transport. I lift my head from his shoulder as I look around at the devastating aftermath of the battle. "Where are you taking me?" I demand. He stops and looks down searching every inch of my face as he answers, "To where you belong". I look back at him confused and then it hits me. Where he thinks I belong. I try to speak but nothing happens. His image before me starts to fade and I can't seem to focus and that's when everything goes black.

I feel myself start to wake up and I try to move but I can't. I open my eyes but the light is so bright that I instantly close them again. All I can hear is constant beeping and I start to panic. Where am I? The beeping gets louder and more frantic and I start to panic even more when I hear his voice "Rey ......... you're fine, calm down, it's me. I'm here". "Where am I?" I shout, "What have you done to me?" I hear him sigh and I sense his frustration, "you're in the medical bay. The doctors have been treating your wound". "How long have I been here?" I ask even though I'm scared of the answer. "Three days. This is the first time you have been conscious. At one point we thought we had lost you" he replies quietly. I take a few deep breaths as I try to come to terms with the fact I have been here for that long unaware. "Why can't I move" I ask as my lip trembles. "You had some violent outbursts while you were out so the doctors strapped you down for your own safety" he tells me with somewhat understanding in his voice. "I'll remove them now" he says and I hear him move closer. "Can you dim the lights?" I ask, "it's too bright". "Of course" he replies. I feel him turn away for a moment then return to untying the straps around my wrists. I carefully open my eyes to find the lights turned down very low and Ben leaning over me to get to the strap on my right hand. His hair has fallen down again over his face but I can still see him through the loose strands as he makes his way lower to undo the ankle bindings.

Once the straps have been taken off I slowly move so I can sit up and get more comfortable. I take a deep breath then I look up to find him standing at the foot of the bed watching my every move, ready to intervene at a moments notice if I need any assistance. I can't help but see the look he has in his eyes, the same look he had in the throne room, the one that makes my heart skip a beat, the one that tells me I'm going to have to turn him down again.

"Thank you" I say quietly. He doesn't answer he only nods in reply. "Am I your prisoner now?" I ask. He walks over to the side of the bed and nervously reaches over and takes my hand tenderly in his. "No Rey, you are not my prisoner" he replies. "But we both know this is where you belong". He looks up searching for any sign that this time I'll agree. "I don't belong here," I tell him. "You know that Ben. I don't belong anywhere near the First Order". He holds my hand a bit tighter and his lip trembles "you belong with me". My heart starts beating so fast and I want to tell him that I do belong to him but I know neither of us are prepared for the consequences of that yet. "Maybe one day.... " I agree and he looks at me with such hope. Then the realisation hits him "but not today" he finishes as he releases my hand from his. "But not today" I whisper.

I can feel the disappointment and frustration seeping off him as he stands up and walks towards the door but once there he stops and turns back slightly. "I'll have a transport ready to take you back to your ship. The doctor will give you fresh bandages and whatever medicine you require. For your own safety I would suggest you and your Resistance stop meddling in the affairs of the First Order. The next time I may not be there to save you". He reaches for his belt and unclips my saber and holds it in his hand staring at it closely before placing it on the table next to the door. He turns around, his deep black eyes locking onto mine "till we meet again".

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