Save the last dance for me

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Dance?" Rey says trying not to sound too flustered.

"Yeah I would think so," says Poe as he grabs another forkful of food off his half eaten portion. "These political gatherings are usually just an opportunity for the big wigs to drink, dance and mingle with the pretence of politics".

Rey tries not to let her anxiety about this show as she scoops up another bite of food. She falters for a second but in the end makes herself eat it even though her appetite seems to have suddenly left her.

"The General usually goes to these things alone you know" Poe informs her pointing his fork in her direction. "They must be keen to meet you if they asked her to bring you".

Rey feels her stomach turn in knots at the thought of being the centre of attention and rather than answer and let him know how nervous she is she just nods and smiles as she takes another bite of food.

Poe finishes his meal and stands up to leave. "Well I'm sure you'll have a great time," he says as he flashes her a big smile. "Tell me all about it when you get back" he winks before he turns and heads out the hall to join his pilot buddies that are waiting for him.

Rey reluctantly finishes the couple of mouthfuls of food left on her plate before slowly heading back through the base to her own room trying to think of how she can get out of this without offending Leia. But she can't just tell the General she doesn't want to go after everything she has done for her. She has no other choice. She needs to go to this event whether she wants to or not.

As soon as Rey enters her room she closes and locks the door behind her. She definitely doesn't want anyone to see what she is about to do. Rey concentrates as she closes her eyes and searches back through all the memories of Jakku that she has hidden away. All the times she wants to forget. Times she thought she would never voluntarily look at again. She finally finds the one she has been searching for and her heart aches as she watches the scene play out. She must be about 8 years old and she can remember exactly how much the thirst and hunger had her at breaking point. She had wandered too far while scavenging and had ended up in the next village. The smell of food entered her nostrils and drew her towards the noisy building near the centre of the main neighbourhood. She pressed her small nose up against the window and peered in to see a variety of creatures eating and drinking to their hearts content. She can still recall the tear that escaped knowing that food and water was so near yet so far from her. Rey shakes herself to forget that and find what she is actually searching for. She looks beyond the food and there it is ....... dancing. The first and only time she has ever seen dancing. She studies closely what they are doing then closes the memory down and locks it away with the rest hopefully to never be taken out and viewed again.

Rey stands in the middle of her room picturing what she saw. She closes her eyes with her arms outstretched as if she is holding onto someone and she starts to slowly move her feet in the way she remembers the others doing. After a few minutes Rey opens her eyes and as she moves her feet she turns around feeling a bit more confident and it's then that she sees him. Ben. She was too engrossed in what she was doing she never even felt the bond opening. And there he is leaning against the frame of the room door, eyes locked onto her, his arms folded loosely across his chest and biting his lip as if to stop himself from laughing.

Rey stops moving, frozen on the spot but as his smirk grows she quickly turns away from him, her face bright red with embarrassment. "How long have you been here?" she asks. "Long enough" he chuckles. "Please don't laugh at me" Rey whispers "I'm mortified enough without that". Ben stands up straight, unfolds his arms and the suppressed laughter vanishes. "I wasn't laughing at you Rey. Just surprised is all. This was the last thing I expected to see when the bond opened". Rey doesn't answer; she just stands there with her back to him her cheeks still flushed red. Ben takes a few steps towards her then stops "can I ask you a question?" Rey sighs then nods her head. Ben slowly walks around and stands before her but she keeps her head down avoiding eye contact, "what exactly were you doing?" "Well if you have to ask I obviously wasn't doing it right". Rey lifts her head and finally looks at him "I was trying to dance" she says sheepishly then she looks away again still embarrassed at being caught. "I seen that" curiosity getting the better of him he adds, "what I meant too ask was why?" Rey walks over and sits on the edge of her bed then answers him "I'm going somewhere and I may have to dance with some people", she looks over to Ben as he stands there listening "and ......" Rey takes a deep breath then continues, "Do you promise you won't laugh if I tell you something?" Ben takes a step closer his face now serious as he tells her "I promise I won't laugh". Rey's cheeks return to the red colour from earlier as she whispers, "I've never danced with anyone before. I was trying to practice so I wouldn't make a fool of myself". She then looks up at him "that didn't go well though did it" she adds as she nods towards him. Ben takes a minute to process this, having to remind himself of how sheltered her life has been and then he slowly approaches her. He crouches down before her so they are at the same level. He watches her closely saying nothing until she finally brings her head up and makes eye contact with him. A small smile starts to appear at the side of his lips as he says, "I can teach you".

"You" Rey replies with shock as she flinches backwards. "Yes me" Ben replies. "You can dance?" Rey asks. Ben nods "I was raised the son of a senator and I was from time to time dragged unwillingly to some political gatherings. I assume that's where you are going?" Rey hesitates to answer but Ben just shakes his head "I'm not asking for the coordinates. I'm not going to gate crash". Rey studies him briefly before she finally nods 'yes'. "Ok" Ben says as he stands up, "Now I know what kind of event you'll be attending I know just what you need to learn" he extends his right hand out towards her. Rey looks at his hand on offer to her again. This time though she reaches out and her small hand fits perfectly into his. He pulls her up so she is standing facing him. She tilts her head back slightly and looks up into his captivating eyes as he asks "are you ready?"

Rey nods her head unsure of what she is letting herself in for. "Ok, you put your left hand on my shoulder and I put my right hand on your waist" Ben says as he places his hand gently on her. As soon as he touches her Rey feels an emotion shoot through her whole body that she has never experienced before. Ben quickly diverts his eyes and shivers slightly before regaining his composure and she knows instantly that he felt it too. "Now put your free hand in mine" he says and as they connect his fingers wrap around her hand securing them both in place. "We are too far apart," Ben tells her as he tentatively takes a step closer, his hand on her waist softly nudging her to step nearer too. Rey moves towards him and her heart starts to race. They are so close, the closest they have ever been to each other. She can feel his breath tickling her cheek; she can hear his heart beating in his chest so surely he must be able to hear hers too. After what feels like an eternity of just standing there holding onto one another Ben clears his throat "I'm going to move my feet now, like you were doing when I got here. Just follow my lead and relax". Rey nods her head and looks down to their feet and as he starts to move she joins him and after a few steps they move together in perfect harmony.

After a few minutes and realising that she wasn't going to accidentally step on his foot or fall flat on her face Rey lifts her head up and what she finds startles her. "Ben ....... are you smiling?" Ben looks down at her as he answers, "yes, I believe I am". Rey smiles back "you should do that more often you know". "Duly noted" Ben replies as he tightens his grip on her waist and lifts Rey up off her feet holding her against him and spins them round once then places her back down and continues the dance. Rey blushes again for what feels like the hundredth time that night as their steps become slower and their bodies inch closer still. She slowly lowers her head and rests it on his shoulder at the same time as he leans into her, his cheek brushing against her hair. Their hands carefully tear apart and wind around the others body. Gradually their feet stop moving and they find themselves embracing each other neither one quite sure how they got here but neither one ready to let go.

"You know all dances don't end this way," Ben whispers in her ear. Rey chuckles lightly and the sound of it makes his heart beat a little bit faster. Rey lifts her head, her lips mere millimetres from the skin on his neck "thank you" she says and as her breath touches him it sends a warmth of pleasure throughout every cell in his body. Rey tightens her arms around him squeezing him closer before reluctantly stepping back breaking their embrace "thank you for my first dance". "You're welcome" Ben replies his hands trailing across her body before returning them to his side, already missing having the feel of her in his arms. "So when is this event you are attending?" he asks. "In a couple of days" Rey answers. "Will you connect with me after?" Ben asks with what she can only describe as hope in his eyes, "to let me know how it went". "If you want me to," Rey replies shyly. "I do" Ben assures her. The atmosphere in the room starts to change and they both seem almost sad as they know the bond is about to be severed. Ben takes one last longing look at her as he starts to fade away then says "and Rey .... save the last dance for me".

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