One for the road?

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"Of all the cantinas in all the galaxy you have to walk into this one".

His deep sensual voice stops Rey dead in her tracks. She stands there, her back to him, the sound of his voice vibrating through every inch of her. All other sounds fade away and all she can hear is him.

"I didn't think you would come" Ben adds.

"Neither did I" Rey answers as she gathers all her strength to turn around and face the man she dreams about every night.

"Why did you?" Ben asks genuinely intrigued.

"A mixture of many things" Rey replies as she finally finds the courage to slowly turn around. "Curiosity being one" she adds as she takes in the sight of him before her. The waves of his jet black hair fall down and frame his features perfectly, the scar running down the right side of his face somehow less harsh than before, every mole flawlessly placed, those deep dark eyes that can so easily transport her to another world and those lips ..... those perfect lips, the most delicate colour of pink, inviting her in. Those lips will surely be the death of her.

"Will you join me?" Ben asks as he gestures to the seat across from him in the booth.

Rey hesitates even though she knows that it's too late to back out now. She slowly approaches never taking her eyes off him as she carefully sits down.

"Drink?" he asks.

"Think I'm going to need it" she replies. A small smirk appears on the edge of his lips as he waves over attracting the attention of the bar keep and another glass is quickly brought over and placed on the table. Ben picks up the bottle of whiskey and pours some into Rey's glass then tops up his own. He raises his glass towards her and waits. She cautiously takes the drink in her hand and raises it next to his. "To curiosity" Ben says as he leans in closer. Rey can't help the small laugh that escapes her as she clinks her glass against his and repeats "to curiosity".

"Did you come alone?" Ben asks after downing his drink. Rey's cheeks flush as the liquid enters her system, burning her throat and warming her insides and she hesitates to answer. Ben watches her mesmerised as she decides whether to tell him the truth or not. But she knows that she has to. They can't lie to each other no matter how hard they try. Ben watches the tendrils of hair that have fallen down and now caress the side of her face as they gently move, as she shakes her head 'no'. He furrows his brows as he glances across the room searching for anything out of place. "Should I be expecting an assault anytime soon?" he whispers as he looks back towards her. Rey lifts her head and looks him in the eye, as she answers "No. It's just me and Chewie".

At this Ben lets out an audible sigh as he tops up both their glasses. "Well I wasn't expecting that". He slowly takes a sip of his drink then adds, "Does he know you're here to meet me?" "Yes" Rey answers. Ben doesn't know quite how to react. He finally settles on "and he is ok with this?" Rey takes a sip of her own drink before she replies, "I wouldn't go as far to say he is ok with it but he understands in his own way. He trusts me". Rey takes a large gulp of her drink then quietly adds "and in some way that means he must still trust you too". Ben falters for a moment stunned that she would even think that and how it couldn't possibly be true. He downs the rest of his drink then says, "I seriously doubt it".

Rey looks at him as he is filled with doubt and an unshakable guilt for things long passed. She wishes she could just reach over and remove all the anguish he feels but she realises now that only he can do this. Only he can save himself from that pain. Ben looks up as Rey quickly averts her eyes and he can't help but admire her. The way her cheeks have slightly blushed at being caught staring at him, the way she bites down on her lower lip nervously not sure where to look. He moves over to the seat nearer her when Rey quickly stands up and without looking at him says, "I'll be back in a minute". Ben stares after her as she makes her way to the refresher at the back of the bar and he regretfully returns to his original seat.

Rey enters the refresher and walks over to the nearest basin gripping the sides, her head hanging down. Just breathe Rey, just breathe. She takes a deep breath and starts to loosen her grip. 'What are you doing here?' she asks herself. Rey looks up at her reflection in the mirror but quickly turns around. She can't even look herself in the eye. She knows exactly why she is here.

Ben pours another drink for each of them as he waits for Rey to return. If she returns. The thought that she might not fills him with dread. This is the moment he has waited for for so long, to finally have her here in front of him, actually here and not just through the bond. He sees her walking back to the table and it takes all his effort not to smile in relief. Then to his surprise and delight she sits down one seat nearer to him than were she originally was but he doesn't comment.

Rey reaches over and wraps her hand around the glass, swirling the golden liquid about inside before she asks him "so what was so important that you wanted to meet in person?" Ben looks taken aback at the abruptness of the question "straight to the point eh?" Rey lets a slight smile escape and she answers, "I think we have passed the pretence of small talk don't you?" Ben smiles back as he agrees "yes I believe we have". Rey waits patiently as Ben tries to find the right words to reply. After a few minutes Ben turns to fully face her, expression serious as he leans in closer. "A battle is coming Rey, a big one, you know this as much as I do". Rey slowly nods to confirm. "I don't know what's going to happen out there. The odds of us surviving this are pretty slim let's be honest". He shakes his head as he tries to continue "and ........ I just ........ I just wanted to ......." he leans back and rubs his hand over his face "jeez I don't know what I wanted" he finally finishes.

Rey watches him as he struggles to say what he really wants but she knows exactly what he can't say. Rey quickly finishes the rest of her drink for courage then slowly places her hand on the table, palm up and reaches towards him. Ben lifts his head up looking at her hand waiting there for him to take. He reaches over and places his hand in hers. The instant they touch their eyes lock and neither can look away. This is what he wanted. Rey here with him right now, were he can touch her, hold her and never let her go. This is what he has always wanted. He moves over to the seat next to her suddenly more confident by her making the first move. He reaches up with his other hand and slowly caresses her face. Rey closes her eyes, happy, and leans into him enjoying this intimate moment that she has only every dreamed about before. His hand travels gently down her cheek and he lightly runs his thumb over her lower lip. Rey shivers with anticipation as she slowly opens her eyes and finds him only inches away, his breath tickling her face as he stares passionately at her lips. They stay there unmoving, enjoying the moment till Rey can take it no longer and leans in placing her lips on his.

Ben welcomes the kiss and moves his hand to behind her back pulling her in even closer to him. Rey responds immediately by wrapping her arm around his neck, scared if she lets go then she will never get this chance again. They eventually break apart, their foreheads resting against the others, both breathless, still holding onto each other neither one of them ready to break contact. "I think I've had too much to drink" Rey says as she teasingly runs her fingers through his hair. "Yeah me too" Ben replies as his fingers tenderly trickle down her spine sending shocks of electricity shooting throughout her body. "Any more and who knows what could happen" Rey says as she bites her lip and blushes again. "Very true" Ben answers as he leans in slowly and leaves a trail of kisses along her neck. Rey quietly moans as one of the kisses lands on a sensitive spot right next to her ear. "Oh what the hell" she whispers in his ear, "one for the road?"

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