Dream A Little Dream Of Me

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Countless things have changed over the course of the past year since the battle on Crait. The Resistance have been and still are slowly recruiting new members adding to the handful that was left and gaining strength once again. It's taking far longer than anyone had anticipated but we have never given up hope. We can fully understand why people are wary of standing up to be counted as we were all them at some point in our past but we persevere.

We are constantly on the move and a few more ships have been added to our fleet but the Falcon as always leads the way. We never stay too long in the same place for fear that the First Order, or one of their many loyal informants will discover our whereabouts before we are able to fully defend ourselves. They haven't found us yet and everyone is getting nervous as they know that our luck will run out eventually but I know deep down, I can sense it, that we haven't been lucky in avoiding them at all ........ it's that they haven't been searching for us. We are running all over the galaxy like we are the prey being hunted but the hunter isn't even in the game. But when they do decide to join in then we need to be more than ready.

You could say it has been an interesting year, for me at least anyway, from where I came from to where I am now. From a lowly scavenger to helping lead the Resistance, from avoiding unnecessary contact to being on the front lines of the war, from a naive little girl to a strong young woman. Everything that has happened to me has made me into the person I am today, courageous, fierce, independent and broken. The broken part I hide pretty well so I suppose I have also become a master of deception too. Sometimes I cover up my pain so good that for a time even I believe myself that nothing is wrong.

Nighttime is the worst though when the darkness falls and silence with it. Sleep either evades me or attacks me there is no in-between. The nightmares are frequent and are always the same. It's at these times I feel at my loneliest and I want nothing more than to call out to him but how can I call out to the monster in my dreams? How can it be that the man who kills me every night is the only one I want to comfort me after? It makes no sense at all. But then him and me never did make sense and we were so right at the same time.

I shake myself awake from another night of terrors. The memory of his face as his lightsaber went through my chest there in my mind, clear as day, his hatred for me oozing out of him as he relishes in my ultimate demise. I can't take this much longer; every night is the same and every night another small part of me dies. I need to do something, anything. I need to make a decision. But I already know what I'm going to do. I've been putting it off for so long but now is the time. It will be risky I know and it might not even work as it has been a year without any contact but I need to try. I sit up on the bed and close my eyes, drifting into the beginning of a meditative state. I feel the force coursing through every cell in my body and surround me as I cautiously call out to him. 'Ben. Answer me Ben. Please'.

Nothing. I try and try, night after night but all I am met with is silence and blackness. Can he hear me calling for him and is refusing to answer or has he blocked me out altogether? Jeez I don't even know if I'm doing this right! I have searched repeatedly through all Jedi Texts and found nothing that even begins to describe the depth of our connection. Chances are I am sitting here talking to myself, and not for the first time, but I need to keep trying for my own sanity more than anything else. I cannot spend every night for the rest of my life in fear of a dream however terrifying it may be. I can't suffer like this anymore.

A few more days pass and every night I call out to him but still nothing. I am determined though that I will find him however long this takes. After a few hours of trying I feel exhaustion start to overtake me and I eventually give in for the night and lie down on my bed and close my eyes waiting for the dreaded dream to find me once again. But the dream doesn't come. I wake up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed but confused as to why I had a night without fear. For the first time since I can remember I slept soundly and content. I felt safe and secure like I was protected and just allowed to be, an emotion that I have never had before and don't ever want to be without again.

The next night is the exact same and the one after that too. Don't get me wrong I'm extremely happy that the nightmares have gone but why now? I can't help but think that something else is happening that I'm missing and I am determined to find out what it is.

After another heavy day of training I make my way back to my quarters, hungry and tired but for now the tiredness is winning and food can wait till the morning. Right now all I want is a hot shower and hopefully another night of peaceful sleep. I stay under the shower longer than I usually do allowing the hot water and steam to ease my aching muscles and I find myself slowly starting to relax and unwind after the stresses of the day. The worry of the nightmare returning is still there though lurking at the back of my mind and not permitting me to fully let go. I make my way to my bed and follow the same routine as usual. I sit on top of the blanket, take a deep breath, close my eyes and concentrate as hard as I can and I call out to him. But I am met with nothing as I always am. I finally give up for the night admitting to defeat once more and lie down on the bed, curled up and eyes heavy and as I feel myself slowly drift off I notice a change in the air.

I keep my eyes closed and lie as still as possible but my senses are on high alert unsure of what is happening. I can sense that someone is here; there is a presence in the room with me. I reach out with my mind trying to work out what is going on and that is when I realise what the change in the air was. The bond. He is here.

I ever so slowly open my eyes and lying there on the bed right next to me is Ben. He is lying on his back facing the ceiling, completely still but his eyes are opened. He hasn't noticed yet that I am awake. I take the time to study his features and the scar I gave him that has healed well but even after all this time still looks raw and painful. I want to reach out and touch it but I hold myself back. I see his eye twitch under my gaze and I know he knows I'm awake.

"You came" I whisper. He doesn't react other than a slight nod of his head. "Thank you", I say and once again a small nod. I have so much I want to say to him but I don't know where to begin. I open my mouth to speak then close it again as nothing seems right for right now. I just take the time to examine every inch of his profile, every mole, every perfect flaw and I once again resist the overwhelming urge to reach out to him. I didn't realise until this moment exactly how much I missed him.

His deep voice startles me when he quietly says, "You can go to sleep now Rey. I'll keep you safe". Then it hits me. The reason my nightmares have stopped. "You" I say shocked, "You have been here with me before haven't you?" He slowly turns around to face me and we are mere inches apart, the closest we have ever been to each other. He looks me straight in the eyes as he answer "yes". "All those nights without the bad dreams, you were here with me?" "Yes" he answers. "Why?" I ask. "Why are you here with me?" He maintains eye contact as he leans in a little bit closer, a strand of his black hair falling lightly across his cheek, one side of his lip rising slightly bringing with it the hint of a smile as he tells me "You called out for me Rey. Did you really think I would be able to ignore you?" I feel my own lips curling into a smile as I answer him back "I honestly didn't know what you would do but I had hope". He rolls his eyes "hope" he whispers, "always with the hope".

"Did you ...... did you see my dream?" I ask scared of the answer. He slowly nods his head yes as he replies "I have them too, the exact same dream only it's you that kills me". I draw back from him surprised that we are both having the same dream "but" he adds closing the distance I just put between us, "since the first night I came here after hearing you call out to me, nothing. The dreams have stopped". I look at him confused "what does that mean?" "I don't know" he shrugs, "but I have been here every night since testing it and ......". He falters as his eyes leave mine travelling down my face and rest on my lips before slowly making their way back. I feel my cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment, shock and desire. "And?" I finally bring myself to ask, my voice shaking as my own eyes are drawn down to his lips. "And" he says slowly as he lifts his hand and his fingers gently brush against my cheek, "it would seem that when we are together everything else vanishes. There is no light, there is no dark, only balance. There is only us and nothing else matters".

I raise my hand to my cheek and take his hand in mine entwining our fingers perfectly together. "So what do we do now?" I ask as I shiver at the feel of the force running through me at our touch. I feel Ben shudder too and I know he is feeling the same as me. "I think we both know exactly what we do now" he smiles as we both lean into each other at the same time our lips connecting in the kiss we have both been longing for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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