First Kiss

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What am I doing? I've been asking myself that same question for the past two days and I still don't have an answer. The nearer I get to my destination the more nervous I become and I can't help but think this was all a mistake. "Meet me" he asked his eyes dark but with a slight glimmer of hope as he whispered "please". Before I knew what I was doing I had said "yes". It was a barely audible reply but he heard it and I felt the relief surge through him before he faded away, the bond disconnecting us once again.

I haven't seen him since that moment, only felt his mind brushing against mine sending me the co-ordinates of where we could meet on neutral territory that was far away from both sides of the war. And here I am, alone in the Falcon, watching the stars whiz past, on my way to meet the most feared man in the galaxy without anyone knowing where I am or when I will return. I am at this moment in time literally putting my life in his hands and I want nothing more than to turn back and forget this madness but he is like a magnet drawing me closer and I cannot resist. I refused his 'please' once before and it broke us both and I can't do that to either of us again.

The ship comes out of hyperdrive and I see the small planet before me filled with every colour of blue I could ever imagine. As I make a steady approach I reach out with the force and I can sense him. He is already here waiting for me, the tension leaving him as he acknowledges my arrival only to be replaced with a feeling of anxiousness as to how this meeting will go. I take in a few deep breaths as I near his location thankful that I'm not the only one who is unsure of how this will all turn out.

I land the Falcon not too far from his ship in the clearing next to the numerous bodies of water that cover the surface. I make my way to the exit but before I release the doors I close my eyes and try to steady myself but the nerves are taking over. I open my eyes and hold my hands out in front of me as I watch them shake uncontrollably. Even after everything I have been through this is probably the most scared I have ever been. Everything else that was thrown at me I always knew deep down that I could handle or find a way out of but this situation is new for me and I have no idea what is going to happen. I take a deep breath then open the doors. As I make my way down the ramp I see him. My breath catches in my throat as we slowly make our way towards each other. His tall dark figure etching closer with every passing second until we are within touching distance. I look up to the face I have dreamed of too many times to count and I can't help the small smile that escapes me. Finally we are together again.

"Hi" Kylo says as he watches my smile appear. "Hi" I reply as I feel a rush of blood flood my cheeks. He opens his mouth as if to speak again but decides against it instead moving one step closer his eyes focused on mine. The intensity of his stare vibrates into my very soul and I can feel myself getting lost in the moment. We both have so much to say to each other but neither of us knows where to start. We stand there in silence just taking each other in, both awed by the fact that we are face to face once again and neither one of us will fade away.

I break away from his gaze and look down trying my best to contain my nerves and focus on my hands that are still shaking. From the corner of my eye I see his hand slowly reach out towards me and I watch fascinated as he carefully takes my shaking hand in his and I am mesmerised by how perfectly they fit together. Our fingers entwined, his touch both calming me and firing up a storm within me all at the same time.

I lift my head and look back into the eyes of the man before me. This man who I have risked everything for, who I have travelled across the galaxy to be with, our final hope in the war to come, the man who no matter what happens now I know I cannot be without. I take my free hand and gently run my fingers through his hair and he closes his eyes and leans into my touch. I feel an energy pass between us, a surge in the force just like when we touched a long time ago only this time it feels more urgent, more desperate, more intimate.

We both move even closer to each other at the same time, the same emotions coursing through us both. Each of us unsure of what the future holds but knowing that for now we will forget the past and just focus on the present. My eyes fall to his slightly parted lips as they move nearer to mine. I close my eyes as our lips touch. The softness of the kiss surprises me and makes my heart beat faster and my legs grow weaker.

Kylo's lips leave mine and I stand there unable to move, my eyes closed and the sound of my heart pounding in my ears as if it is about to burst right through my chest. I slowly open my eyes to find Kylo watching me tenderly, his face full of longing and desire. I smile up at him as I whisper, "I didn't know what to expect but that was beautiful". He looks confused for a moment before he answers, "Was that your first kiss?" I nod my head yes and I watch as a smile appears on his face. "Are you ready for your second?" A shiver runs down my spine as I grip my hand into his hair and pull him towards me crashing my lips back into his were they belong.

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