Chapter 1: And the story goes on.

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Rose's POV

I blinked my eyes a couple times and yawned. I sighed satisfied when the digital clock on the bedside table showed 10:05am. I rolled on my side and let my eyes rest on the empty space next to me. It was nothing new, but I knew that I would never get used to it. I rubbed my eyes and pushed myself up in the cussions. My gaze crossed the big canvas on the wall in front of me, and I felt a smile creep on my lips. I could still look at it for ages, until the black and white backround got blurry, only the snow white colour of our weddingdresses being left on the retina of my eyes. The gigantic smiles never fading. It was the first thing I woke up to every morning and the last thing I'd take a look at every night. But today it was extra special. And her not being here was extra disappointing. But I couldn't blame her though, because it was the life I had chosen for. And I loved it. I loved her. 

The wedding had literally been the best day of my life. It had been everything I had wished for and beyond. I had never doubted my love for her, but walking the isle with her fingers tangled into mine had topped everything. The feeling had never been that strong and it hadn't lowered anymore since then. She had looked more beautiful than ever and I had never been more proud to call her mine. My wife. She was my wonderful, beautiful wife. And I'd share her last name until the day the sun would stop shining. 

Saying 'yes' to each other had been one thing, but being surrounded with all the people that mean something to you had made it all even more magical. Holly, Claire and Cat had been our bridesmaids and little Matt had carried the weddingrings. I hadn't succeeded in holding back the tears when my wonderful little brother had walked up to us, holding up what would bind me and her forever, pride gleaming on his tiny face. And with Phebe and Louise singing in the backround, the love of my life hadn't kept it dry either. 'Love' had received a whole other dimension that day. It was deeper, more beautiful and more worth than anything else in the world. It was ours, and nothing could ever change that. It had settled its roots deep in my fulfilled heart and it wasn't planning to ever leave again.


Sat at the kitchen table, I flipped through the newspaper of the day while slowly downing a cup of tea. As hard as I tried to focus on what I was trying to read, my thoughts kept on wandering off to another place. A place where she was and I weren't. A place at the other side of the world. A place that I envied so hard at that moment. Because time had never been such an important thing as when timezones came along. And I hated it more than anything.

I pushed the paper away from me and put my cup down with a sigh. I stood up and made my way into the living room, trying to fill my head with other things. I held my pass in front of the big, white tv unit and let my eyes cross the photo frames that were exposed on it. I let them rest on the last one and picked it up. It was one that had been taken just a few weeks ago, and I loved it so much that I'd immediately put it into a frame. It was one from Matt on his brand new bike that we had bought him for his 8th birthday. He had been so proud, he wouldn't stop riding on it anymore. I sighed while putting the frame back down. The little guy had grown so big, he had become such a smart kid. I was beyond proud of him, but he'd always stay my little baby brother. No matter what.

I got comfy on the couch and just when I turned on the tv, I heard my phone buzz. I found it under the cussions of the couch and smiled when I saw it was Cat texting me. 

"Congratulations sis! <3 "

Kind of surprised she hadn't forgotten about which day it was, I texted her back. The bond between me and my sister had grown even tighter over the past time and the thought of that made me so happy. Cat was having her life perfectly together at the moment and that only seemed to have a great influence on literally everything. She had found the man of her dreams and they formed one of the most beautiful couples I had ever seen. His name was Collin and he was a doctor at the kids section of the local hospital. As I said, perfect it was. 

I could feel the smile on my face fade slightly when my eyes caught view of the photo that was hanging on the wall next to the tv. Even though we all had our lives on the rails, there was one thing that had left a painful bruise on the way. Almost three years ago, our mother had passed away. I don't have to tell you about the special situation in our family, but that hadn't kept her death from having a serious impact on all of us. She had gone to work early in the morning, like every day. Only that one, she hadn't returned. A truck had crushed her car on her way home and she was killed instantly. The bond with my mother was almost non-existing, and the same could be said for Cat and Matt, but the moths after had been tough anyway. Even though you've grown apart, losing the one who's put you on this earth is something you shouldn't underestimate. 

After her death, me and Cat had sold the house, and she and Matt had moved in with Collin. They were perfectly happy with that, and so were I. Nowadays, it almost felt like it had never been different. But every so often, when I'd take a moment to think about my mother, her loss still hurt. It was only when she died that I started realising we could have done so many things different. But then again, we can't change the past. And I had learned myself to let go of it. 

I must have dozed off on the couch, 'cause I almost jumped out of my skin when I woke up by a ringing sound next to me. I blinked confusedly and when my vision became less blurry, I realised it was someone calling me on skype. And I could feel my heartbeat starting to raise, when I saw the picture of the caller. 

"Hello princess." Tears immediately filled my eyes when her beautiful faced filled my computer screen. 

"Happy four year anniversary, baby." And even though she was so far away, I could almost feel her breath stroking the skin of my face.

"Happy four year anniversary, Jessica", I managed to whisper back. "I miss you, honey." 

"I miss you too. But I'll be back soon. And I'm bringing you a big four year anniversary present!"

"From the Phillipines?" The smile on her face got brighter with every second. 

"Yes! So you better be prepared..." An ubercute giggle came from her side and I couldn't do anything else but laugh myself.

"I freaking love you Cornish." She smiled at my words.

"I love you too Cornish... I love you too."


As a promised, here it is: the sequel to No Love Like Hers. I dedicate this first chapter to @jessiejworldwild because chatting with her gave me tons of inspiration :) Be prepared guys... Drama won't hide for too long...


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