Chapter 8: Fear and blame.

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Jessie's POV

"Come on Rose, get your lazy ass out of bed!" I teasingly pulled the covers away from her, but she didn't move an inch. 

"Rooseee", I nagged childishly. The clock had already gone past noon and I wanted to spend some quality time today. But if she'd stay in bed any minute longer, not much of my plans would be fullfilled. 

"Go away", she muttered. We had these dialogues more than once, but today was the first time I didn't know if she was playing the regular game or if she was just being serious. I dropped the sheets I was holding and sat down next to her on the bed. I stroked some hair out of her face and looked into her tired eyes. 

"What's wrong?" I asked her. I hadn't forgotten about last night, and maybe she was seriously getting sick. It could be a flue or something like that, you never know. 

"It's... It's nothing", she said with a long pause in between. She eventually pushed herself up and let me kiss her. It wasn't passionate, rather flat, but better than last night anyway. I weird feeling settled itself in my stomach, but I wasn't planning to let it ruin what was left of the day. 

"Come on", I said while pulling the covers away for a second time. "Get yourself dressed so that we can go." Confusion was spreading all over her beautiful face, but I was happy to see a little spark of excitement in her eyes. 

"Where are we going to?" Rose asked while crawling out of bed. A cheeky smile played on my lips while I pushed her in the direction of the bathroom.

"If you don't get dressed you'll never find out."

And gone she was. 


I was feeling like having a typical romantic date again with Rose, and that's why I had organised an autumn picknick for us two at the waterside. The place I wanted to take us was a thirty minute drive, which was enough to make Rose almost lose her mind. She was so curious she just couldn't stop asking me what I had planned. I didn't say a word though, as I wanted it to be a total surprise. 

Once I stopped the car she couldn't get out of it fast enough. She ran off to the waterside while I gathered all the stuff I had brought in the trunk. Once I locked the car the sound of her footsteps was long gone already. I scanned the area to find her, and saw her standing right at the water, her hands in the pockets of her coat, her scarve hiding  half of her face from the wind. She looked so beautiful, my wife. So beautiful, and so breakable at the same time. I walked up to her and dropped the stuff at the side before cuddling her from behind. She breathed in deeply, like she wanted to get as much of the fresh air as possible. 

"Thank you", she said. She turned around and faced me, her arms around my neck, our noses almost touching. 

"For what?" I asked her. 

"For bringing me here. I love you." Her lips found mine, and finally she deepened the kiss again. It almost felt like ages ago, and I enjoyed every second of feeling her warmth collide with mine. 

"Are you hungry?" I asked once we parted after a while. I saw her scrunch her nose for a split second, but she immediately picked up the basket I had brought.

"Yeah... Let's eat something", she said while unpacking the food I had prepared. I laid down a blanket on the ground so that we could sit comfortably.

"I've got sandwiches, a pasta salad, little pancakes, homemade cookies and some fruit. I couldn't stop so you'll have to eat as much as you can", I laughed. The smile on my face dropped a little when Rose stared at the food for ages, to then eventually only take a cookie. She nibbled on it like a little mouse and it took her almost ten minutes to finish it. Meanwhile I had already eaten half of the basket, so hungry I just couldn't control myself anymore. I expected Rose to take a sandwich or some pasta now, but she didn't. She just gently picked one strawberry out of the box with fruit and spent another five minutes on eating it. It started slowly freaking me out, because this wasn't her normal acting at all.

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