Chapter 1

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A/N: So I'm new at this and I don't know what to write, so please don't hate!! Enjoy the story!! Disclaimer: All characters belong to Rick Riordan!!

I hate this place.  I hate it with all my being.  I hate everything about it.  I hate everything about being one of them.  I hate the people here, the activities here, just EVERYTHING.
Hey, my name is Drew Tanaka. And when I first found out that I was a half-blood, it changed everything.


"Daddy, I'm home!" I said as I arrived home from my first day of fifth grade.
"Drew, will you do the dishes?" Dad called back. I was already rolling up my sleeves and turning on the water. "Oh, and when you finish—"
"Wash the clothes, I know" I interrupted.
"And don't forget, my—"
"Blue shirt needs to be hand washed. Don't worry, I know." I sighed, knowing that tonight my dad would be sleeping in some random lady's bed, leaving me home alone to wonder where my childhood had gone.


"I'm a WHAT?!" I exclaimed.
"A-a demigod. A child of a god and human being." My friend Cloud came over, and he was trying to convince me that I was half god. I wasn't falling for the trick he was playing on me.
"That's funny, Cloud."
"I'm serious!"
"So you're telling me that I'm half god? C'mon, you know that stuff's only in the myths."
"Yeah," he said. "Which is more the reason to believe me!"
"You're being crazy right now, Cloud."
"Just come to this address in the summer, and we'll be waiting." He handed me a piece of paper.
"What do you mean 'we'? And what's this address for?" I looked down at the paper. It said 'Half Blood Hill'. "What is this place?"
"It's a summer camp," he explained, looking around as if we were being watched. "For our kind."
I looked around. "We aren't being watched, are we? And I think you've taken this joke too far."
"For the last time, I'M NOT JOKING." I opened my mouth, but he cut me off. "Just trust me, Drew. Come to this location over the summer. It's the only place you'll be completely safe."
"Ok, now you're scaring me."
"Just go. I'm being serious. This is a matter of life and death."


     "So it's all true?  My mom's a goddess?  And you're're a....SATYR?!"  It was my first day at Camp Half-Blood, and I had just finished watching the orientation film.
"Well, yeah, it's true." Cloud said sheepishly. "You better hurry, though! You have archery first, and TRUST ME. You DO NOT want to be late to THAT. One time I went through the archery area and almost got my horns cut off by one of Apollo's kids' arrows."


"Hey, I'm Drew." I said. It was my first day in the Aphrodite cabin. Yesterday I was claimed by my godly parent. And right after, I fell on my face and everyone laughed at me.
"We know." A girl with blond hair snickered. I hung my head, trying very hard not to cry.
"Oh, don't listen to her." Said a beautiful girl with black hair. "Hey, I'm Silena! Welcome to camp!"
I smiled. At least there was one friendly person at this camp.
"Look at her shoes!" A girl with brown hair exclaimed. "Where'd you get them from, Rite-Aid?"
     "But my shoes are so cool!" I exclaimed.
     Something happened, and the mood shifted.
     "Yeah, so cool!" gushed the same girl that had just insulted them.
     "They're, like, supes cute!" said another girl.
     I stood there in shock, wondering what just happened.  A girl who was brushing her hair in the corner dropped the brush and gaped at me.  "Oh my gods!" she cried.  "She's a charmspeaker!"  Everyone started yelling and all Hades broke loose.
     "Stop!" yelled Silena.  I must've looked confused, because she turned to me and said, "Charmspeak is a rare gift that very few children of Aphrodite have.  Basically it can make other people do what you want them to."
     I just stared at her in shock.  My whole entire life had just changed in a day, and I had no idea what to do about it.  Everybody had stopped talking.  And it was the loudest silence I had ever heard.


     "NO!" I sobbed.  "This can't be true.  And all because of this...because of this CHARLIE BOY?!"  My best—and only—friend at this camp, Silena Beauregard, had just died, and the news was all too much for me.  "Why would she give up her life just for a BOY?!  And this...this stupid WAR!  I'm not taking part in it.  As long as there's no more Silena, there's no more war for me."  Everyone glanced at each other.
     "B-but Drew!" a girl named Sarah said.  I glared at her and she winced.  "You're the counselor now.  You HAVE to guide us!"
     I just glared at her.  Then I smiled and said in a sickly sweet tone, "I'm just not in a mood for war and death right now.  How about you all go away and leave me alone?"  Everyone left, due to my charmspeak.

*End Flashback*

A/N: So that was probably really crappy and too long, but make sure to give me some feedback, vote if you like this, and I'll probably come out with the next chapter next week!  Also check out my best friend E's acc, pjo_hoo_luver4eva .  She wrote a story and I kinda helped her a little bit.  Love, M

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