Chapter 3

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A/N: Heyo. Lol I'm going to try to stay more active, but I've been really busy lately. I miss summer :( Anyway, some of you might not love this because I'm writing about Drew, but I kind of found it interesting to write about a character everyone hates and sort of try to change their minds about them...? I don't know, it makes sense in MY mind. That probably means it makes no sense at all. Anyway, without further ado, let's get on with the story! Disclaimer: All characters belong to Uncle Rick!!


"URGH. What kind of democracy IS THIS?!" My half-sisters and I were gossiping about the new Aphrodite addition, Piper McLean. "How does a rat like her get a hottie like Jason?!"
"M-maybe they're just friends?" my sister Lexi said timidly. I glared at her, and she immediately looked away. "Just friends?" I seethed. "JUST FRIENDS?" My half-sisters all backed away, glaring at Lexi. Lexi looked at the floor.
I put my head in my hands, and sighed loudly. "Ugh! What does she have that I don't?"
"A good personality?" my sister Kayla whispered. This remark was greeted with quiet laughs. My blood boiled. I leaned over and slapped her with all my might. "Just because you whispered, doesn't mean I didn't hear it." I warned her.  She covered the fresh red mark on her face and tried to hold in her tears.
     "Drew," my other sister Alanna started.  "Why Jason?  There are a bunch of other hot guys at this camp.  I mean, just look at the Apollo cabin!"
     I rolled my eyes.  "They're probably all gay.  They're—I don't know—too happy.  It makes me sick."  Alanna shook her head.  "Only one guy in that cabin is gay.  I hope."  I knew she was thinking of her boyfriend Nick, who was in Apollo's cabin.
     "Alanna," Kayla said cautiously eyeing me.  "Puh-lease!  You could do so much better than Blondie McSurfer.  He's not even that hot!"  Alanna looked murderous.  "Oh please, sis.  You just want him for yourself."  Kayla blushed.  "No I do not!"  "Mmhmm."  "Shut up, you—"
     "Ugh can you not?" I groaned, as Piper McLean walked into the room.  "Oh hey..." she murmured.
     "Ew!" whispered Kayla.  Piper pretended she didn't hear.  Alanna rolled her eyes.  "I can't believe you lied to us about your dad being Tristan McLean."
     "For the last time," Piper said through clenched teeth.  "I wasn't lying."  The mood in the room changed, and at once, Alanna and Kayla started nodding.  "Yeah, we know."  "Of course you weren't!"  I glared at her.  "You dirty little charmspeaker."  She scoffed.  "Look who's talking!"  Then she stormed out of the cabin.  I flopped onto the bed and screamed.  Why does she get everything?!


A/N: Oops I suck at writing.  Anyway, next chapter will have LOTS of action if ya know what I mean. ;)  Ugh gross byeeee. -M

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