Chapter 8

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I felt so alone. I didn't know what to do, so I shut everyone I knew out. I mean...what else? If everyone who I thought cared about me kept on betraying me like this, I'd rather be dead.
I couldn't wait to get back home. For this dreadful summer to end. To go back to school and once again bully people. I couldn't wait to get there and take out all my emotions on Sadie Kane. Gods she was irritating. (we irritating)
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.  Oh my gods, I thought, if that's Amber...ugh I can't deal with her level-headed-ness right now.  How can someone literally stay so calm??
     The door opened, revealing Amber.  As always, she looked calm.  I traced slight annoyance in her expression, however.
     "Drew."  she said.
     "How could you." she stated, poker-faced, holding back all the emotion from her face she could.
     "What are you talking about?"
     "You know what.  How could you block everyone out when you were doing so well.  How could you be rude to all the people who thought you were their friend.  How could you just straight up ignore everyone.  You're much better than this Drew-"
     "I'm not!" I exclaimed, causing her to start a little.  She quickly recovered, her face being as expressionless as ever.  Continuing, I said "I don't know why you keep saying that!  I'm always going to be that girl Drew whom no one likes!  I'm always going to be trash!  No one is capable of ever loving me!  I'm incapable of love!"  My voice broke on "love", causing me to break down and sob.
     I expected Amber to try and comfort me, as she always did whenever I was crying or having a rough time.
     Instead, she looked down at me, still emotionless.  "Drew, you may not realize this but you can be a really great person when you want to.  It's too bad you don't want to."  With that cold statement, she left.
     I grew angry, then sad.  I just lost my only friend.


A/N: I lowkey kinda wanna end this lol.  Should I?  idk man.  cOmMenT!!

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