Chapter 6

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A/N: I almost have 300 views!  Thank you all so much!  I'm so sorry i haven't updated; I'm really lazy lol.  Thanks for sticking around, and hope you enjoy this chapter! Disclaimer: all characters belong to Rick Riordan!


I was so glad to have finally made a friend after Silena's incident.  Although Amber looked like just a normal 11 year old, she was wise beyond her years.  She gave the best advice, and listened to everything I had to say.  I guess I was so closed off all these years that I forgot what it was like to have a real friend.
     Though Amber helped me through a lot, I still constantly worried about Matt.  I was starting to like him a lot and even though we haven't talked since the time he ran away, my crush has only grown bigger.  Amber told me to focus on myself first and to not look for a boyfriend until I knew I was ready...but I just can't help casting him longing glances!  Sometimes we make eye contact, and it seems like we're the only people there.  Then he turns away.  I wonder who warned him about me...?


A/N: Thank you all for sticking around!  I totally forgot about this and I'm so sorry this chapter is a little short.  Stay tuned!  I'm gonna try to start writing weekly.

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