Chapter 7

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A/N: HEY GUYS! What's up? I planned on posting another chapter last week but I just recently started school plus I'm always tired. Disclaimer: All characters belong to Rick Riordan!


The last few weeks have been weird.  I've been acting nice to everyone, and at first I got weird looks.  After a while, everyone slowly started to become friendly with me and soon enough I had tons of friends!
     But just because I had a lot of friends, didn't mean they trusted me.  Especially Matt.
     One day, I decided I had finally had enough of it and decided to confront him.
     "Matt."  I said.  He turned to me, with a smile on his face.  When he saw who I was, however, his happy expression quickly diminished.
     "We need to talk."
     "You know what about.  Meet me at the stables in ten, k?"  Then I strutted away confidently, just like old times.  But with slightly different context.


As I walked up to the stables, I saw that no one was there. Had I been stood up? Suddenly, I heard a twig snap behind me.
Without turning around, I said, "Finally."
"Drew, you need to stop." It wasn't Matt's voice, so I quickly turned around and saw...Travis Stoll.
"St-stop what?" I grew nervous, looking around, hoping this wasn't a prank. Or even worse...a confrontation. See, I usually GIVE those, not RECEIVE them.
"You know what."
"What am I doing, Trav?"
"Cru the crap, Drew! You're messing with Matt's head! We know this trick! You pretend to act nice to get who you want, then eventually throw them away. Except this time, I'm guessing Matt was a little harder to get so you had to act nice to the whole camp."
"This isn't an act!"
"Yeah, sure, Drew."
"I swear! I would never hurt Matt!"
"We've put up with this for so many years, Tanaka. But this time it's different. He's gone through so much in the past year. We're putting an end to this."
"Tell me something Stoll."
"Were you the one who warned him about me."
"Yes. In case you couldn't tell, I'm not always the prankster who messes with everyone. I actually care about some people."
With that, he left me there, feeling like absolute crap. I was stunned. Travis was one of the only people who I genuinely trusted, because we had been at camp together since I was little. I just sat down and started bawling my eyes out. I didn't know what to do. I guess I'm always just going to be Drew Tanaka, the little stupid snake who can't be trusted and won't ever have any real friends.


A/N: Lowkey highkey rly love this chapter, even tho its short. Hope you enjoyed! I've been on Wattpad a lot recently so hopefully I'll start updating more often. Love you guys!❤️❤️

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