Chapter 2

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A/N: Hey guys! I hope you liked the last chapter. Not really sure where I'm going with this story, but I'm excited to be writing it! Disclaimer: All characters belong to Rick Riordan!!

     I don't believe in true love.  I know I probably should, being a child of Aphrodite and all, but after the Silena-Charlie incident I stopped.  I cut myself off from all people, trying to save myself from the sacrifices that came with trusting them.  I became a harsh, self-centered person who only cared for herself and bossed everyone around.  My behavior kept the Aphrodite cabin in line.  I got obsessed with makeup and beauty and judged everyone by looks.  And nobody said anything about it.  That was, until Piper McLean came.
     Who would've thought?  Out of all the ok-looking people at camp, how is she a daughter of Aphrodite?  I mean, sure her face is kind of pretty.  But her hair?  That's a whole other story. I mean, who cuts their hair like that? It looks like it was murdered by a pair of safety scissors! Which, now that I think about, is probably what happened.  I don't mean to be rude, but how does she out of ALL PEOPLE get Jason Grace?!  He's hot, brave, and, well, I want to crush his heart.


A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting lately!  I'm busy and stressed because I have drama club and some other clubs and also there's a lot of tests and quizzes so I have a breakdown about my grades a lot.  Also, to make matters worse, I went into school with a cast because I had surgery, so it's still hard walking around, even though I got it off.  Happy Halloween!  My best friend and I went as night and day and it was really fun!  And sorry for the short chapter.  I didn't know what to write but have a nice day!! -M

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