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"You know I really don't think she taught us this," Phil said as he was basically hanging upside down off his bed. 

"Well maybe if you actually look at the notes the normal way you might understand it," Dan giggled. 

He was at Phil's house for a few hours while they studied for a physic test but, they usually just ended up playing card games. They didn't have very many since these were the only ones they could hide. When The King took over he banned all movies, music, video games, broad games, card games, and anything else that used to be fun. Phil was able to hid a few decks of cards in his house that they played often. 

Dan and Phil had been friends for 10 years and used to send all their time listening to music and watching movies. That was until The King took over and ruined everything. 

"Stop making sense," Phil giggled back. Dan was sitting at Phil's desk trying to study but mainly spent all his time watching Phil. 

"You know I miss the times when we had the internet," Phil sighed. Oh yeah. The King also got rid of all  phones, computers, and only allowed one TV per house to watch the new station that was completely biased toward The King. 

Dan, however, had a phone and multiple computers and TV's because of his... job. 

"I miss it too. You never know how much you appreciate something till its gone," Dan sighed back. 

"Phil are you home?" 

There was a knock on the door and the Phil's little sister by one year, Aspen, walked into the room followed by her two friends Ava and Willa. 

"Oh hey Dan," Aspen said. Dan hummed in reply. 

"Did you bring us back lunch?" Phil asked her. 

"Here you pigs," She said handing him a bag with their sandwiches. 

"Um Aspen," Willa said staring downstairs and then someone banged on the door. 

"House check please open up!" 

Aspen and Dan's eyes met with the same panicked look. Aspen ran out of Phil's room to her room probably to hide 'card games'. 

"I'll answer it," Ava said running down the stairs and opening the door. The rest of them followed. 

"Good afternoon. We are just here to do a quick search of the house," One of the officers said. 

"Of course come on in," Phil said polity. 

No one in this house liked anything to do with the monarchy. Phil's parents, who weren't even home, disliked The King. The officers searched the house for only 5 minutes and didn't find anything. In only 5 years they got pretty good at hiding things especially Dan. They said goodbye to the officers and closed the door. 

"Um I've actually got to go home. I forgot Nicole and Devin needed me to help them with something," Dan said. 

"But we hardly got to do anything," Phil said with a pout. 

Dan wished he could stay and hang out with Phil. Dan wished he could spend all day everyday with Phil. Dan didn't know how to describe his feelings toward Phil. For a while Dan has always felt different around Phil but never has taken the time to really explore those feelings. Dan just loved everything about Phil. His personality, his smile, his eyes. 

"I know. I'm sorry. We should talk to Lex and Ed and maybe see if we could do a game night soon," Dan said with a smile opening the door. 

"Yeah we should," Phil said returning the smile. 

"Cool. I'll see you tomorrow Phil," Dan said walking out the door. 

"Bye Dan," Phil said smiling and closing the door. 

Then Dan basically ran to his car. He was hoping that the officers didn't go to his house already. If they did however he was hoping everything was hidden well. Since Dan was the leader of Squad Wings, the name of the London squad, his house was the headquarters. Once he took over the squad two years ago he redid his basement on his own by hiding over the half the basement with a new wall and the only way to get in was a bookcase. Only three people had a key to open the bookcase. Dan, Aspen and Calix. Inside the bookcase room were all of the weapons, computers, Tv's, and plans for protests. 

You would think Dan's parents would care about him completely redoing the basement but once The King took over, Dan's father left them to move out of the country. This caused Dan's mother to fall into a deep depression and about two years ago she lost her job and now spends her entire day in bed doing nothing.  

Dan did have two younger siblings also. Nicole who is 13 and Devin who is 11. Both of them knew what Dan did and mainly took care of themselves. 

He pulled his car into the driveway when his phone started to ring. Everyone in his squad had a phone so they could easily could stay in touch. 

"Hello?" He answered. 

"Are you home? Is everything okay?" Willa's voice said. 

"Yeah. I just pulled in. It doesn't look like they have been here yet. I think we are in the clear," Dan replied. 

Dan's squad consisted of 10 people including him. Squad Wings is the most violent and well known squad in the country. Everyone knew Dan as Echo. His two lieutenants were Aspen who is known as Phoenix and Calix, who is 19, is known as Nicotine. Then there were Lex and Edmund who were close friends of Dan and Phil's in school. They were known as Hurricane and Wizard. Ava and Willa were also both in his squad. They were both also 17 like Aspen. Their names were Emerald and Pluto. Then there were the 16 year old twins, Tatum and Finley, named Sunshine and Midnight. Finally there is Kenna who is only 15 and known as Cheetah. 

"Good. Do you still want us all to meet their tonight?" Willa asked. 

"Yeah. We can go over the plan for next weekend," Dan said. 

"Cool Aspen, Ava and I will be their in a few hours," She said. 

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