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"Kenna are you sure that this is one of the main weaponry shelters?" Dan asked her. 

The two of them were standing by the map hung on the wall. For months now they have been trying to find the main location of the military's weapons. Dan had put Kenna in charge of tracking it since she was the best of being stealthy. 

"It makes the most sense. It's completely guarded and not located on any maps. I've watched a bunch of trucks go in there and come back out moments later with a bunch of boxes," Kenna said circling the spot. 

"Dan! We've made progress!" Lex yelled randomly. 

Dan put Lex and Ed in charge of trying to un-distort the Messenger's voice.

He ran over to the computer they were hunched over and pressed play on the audio. Out came the same words that the Messenger first said to them but, slightly more normal. 

At least Dan could make out it was a females voice. 

"It's a girl? That's dope as fuck," Willa said leaning away from her own computer. 

"Please never say 'dope as fuck' ever again," Ava sighed. 

"What would we even do when we are actually understand the voice? How would we find them?" Ed said. 

"I think we just need to figure it out before The King and then go from there," Tatum said. 

"Exactly. But, first Kenna has found a weapons hanger that we need to destroy. That will stop so many kills and will distract The King from everything else that we do," Dan said. 

Everyone walked over to the planning tabled where Finley got out maps and a notebook to write things in. Everyone was there except Aspen and Calix who were sitting on the couch. 

"Aspen. Calix. What's wrong?" Lex said also noticing them. They both turned away from each other and looked over at the rest of the group. 

"Oh um.  Dan could I talk to you?" Aspen said. 

"Yeah?" Dan said kinda confused. 

But before Dan could ask anything else he heard the front door open from upstairs. 

"Dan! We are home from the park!" He heard his little sister. 

"Calix and Kenna get the meeting started. Aspen, lets go upstairs. I need to make sure my mum ate something today," Dan said. 

Aspen nodded and they walked out of the basement to see Nicole and Devin getting book out of the fridge. 

"How was the park?" Dan asked them as he hugged them both. 

"Fun! Also I knew you were busy so we made sure mum ate today. She had oatmeal and toast and she even took a shower!" Devin said proudly. 

"Thank you guys that helps a lot," Dan said smiling at them, "Would you guys want to go out to dinner tonight?" 

"Yes!" They said in unison. 

"Okay. Aspen and I are going to go talk in my room for a bit. Don't go in the basement," Dan said as they went up to Dan's room. 

Dan's room was extremely basic since he only sleeps in here or hangs out in here when Phil comes over. The walls were blue and only had a bed, night stand, dresser and a desk. Very plain. 

"What's up?" Dan asked. Aspen sat down at his desk while he sat on the bed. 

"Listen Dan. I know you care about Phil a lot more than you tell anyone and I love him so much but, I can't let him go off and hurt himself. He doesn't listen to me and I know you've told him to not-" 

"Wait, what is he doing?" Dan asked considered. 

"He's trying to join Coda. He's told me all about it. Ever since you saved him, or I guess since Echo saved him, he has talked nonstop about Coda and Wings and all of it," Aspen said. 

"Yeah I know. I'm his best friend I know these thing." 

"But, last night I saw him sneaking out so I followed him. And he was meeting up with a Drawer," Aspen said shakily. 

Dan's heart basically stopped. Drawer's are the people who decided whether a person can go through Coda training or not. How Phil found one within a week, Dan didn't know. 

"Aspen we can't let him join but, what can we do? I have no control over who Coda let's join or not," Dan sighed. 

Dan didn't even know who ran Coda. When Dan went to training for the 2 weeks he simply did what he was told and never questioned anything. He ranked the highest in his class for all the different skills and because of it he was placed in Squad Wings. He quickly became a lieutenant for Milo. 

Milo was the old leader of Wings before he was killed in battle. He was know as Viper because his main thing was poisoning people. Milo was taught Dan most of the things he needed to know today.

"I don't think either of us can do anything," Aspen said looking nervous, "But maybe Echo can." 

"No," Dan said bluntly. 

"Dan. Wouldn't you do anything for Phil? I think Echo could actually make him listen," Aspen said. 

"Aspen I can't use Echo like that. So many things could go wrong. Phil could figure out that it's me. He could figure out that your Phoenix. He could find out about Lex, Ed, Ava, Willa-" 

"Your in love with him aren't you! So why won't you protect him from killing himself!" Aspen yelled cutting Dan off guard. 

"I'm not in love with hi-" 

"Dan will you shut up for two seconds? You aren't good at hiding that you are flirting with him in the first place. I've known you for years and I see the way you look at him. So if anything I thought you would want to protect him," Aspen said looking Dan right in the eyes like she was staring into his soul. 

"I just see so many ways that it could go wrong. Of course I want to protect Phil. But-" 

"He usually goes to his room around 8," Aspen said walking out of his room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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