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"I can't believe I jumped off a building! It was insane! I thought I was going to die like 50 times but nothing happened! And I got to talk to Echo!" Phil said excitedly as they sat in Phil's bedroom. It was already Saturday and all week Dan had to hear about Phil's adventure with Echo.  Dan loved it though. Hearing Phil talk about how amazing and strong and powerful and brave Dan was made him blush like mad. 

Technically he was talking about Echo not Dan but, still the same person. 

"He was incredible Dan. I've never seen anyone so heroic. He truly cared about getting me back to my family. Did I mention how strong he was?" Phil asked. 

Phil was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling with his eyes closed.  Dan sat at Phil's desk just watching his best friend ramble, for the 50th time, about his exciting day in London. 

"Yes. You have mentioned it multiple times," Dan giggled. 

"Well. He is really strong," Phil said again. 

"The way you talk about him makes it sound like you have a crush on the guy," Dan said without thinking. Him and Phil never really talked about liking people. Sure they both had dated girls in the past but it never lead to anything. Dan had always just liked this one weird boy with blue eyes. 

"Honestly if he just showed up at my window begging me to marry him without even knowing what he looks like I would say yes," Phil said causing Dan to blush even harder. 

"What if he's like 50 years old," Dan said. 

"No hes not. I stood next to him and heard his voice. He must be around our age," Phil said confidently. 

"You didn't even hear his real voice if it was all distorted." 

"Wait. How did you know it was distorted?" Phil questioned finally opening his eyes and looking over at Dan. 

"Well," fuck, "If they didn't change there voices that would be stupid. So I just assumed." 

"Oh yeah that's true," Phil said getting off the floor. Dan breathed. Thank god he saved that one. 

Phil moved and sat on his bed looking down at his feet. 

"I hate not being able to thank him more. When I saw him save that little girl and then the rest of us I just didn't know what to say. I really wanna tell him how much it meant to me," Phil said sounding sadder. 

"I bet he knows Phil," Dan said standing and going over to sit next to Phil, "I'm just happy you are safe." 

And then Phil wrapped his arms around Dan's neck and pulled him into a hug. They hardly ever hugged each other but, when they did Dan loved it. Phil was nice and soft and warm. He also smells like the best flowers on the planet. (can confirm after meeting them Phil does smell like flowers). 

"I've never been so scared and excited in my life Dan. What if he wasn't there. What if I never saw my family or you ever again?" Phil said holding Dan close.

"You never have to worry about that Phil. He will always keep you safe. I promise," Dan said as he laid his head in the crook of Phil's neck. 

They sat like that for a while.


"Okay your cheating there is no way that you could possibly win every single Uno game," Phil said as he threw his cards at his sister. She had won all five games they have played.  

"Phil, you are just bad at the game," Aspen said throwing her cards back at him. 

"Dan back me up on this," Phil said looking over at him. 

"Sorry Philly I have to go with Aspen on this," Dan said as Phil then threw the cards back at him. Dan giggled. 

"Okay if you guys are going to keep flirting, I'm going to go get ready for my date," 

"We aren't flirti-" Dan started out flustered. 

"Wait a date? With who?" Phil said interrupting Dan.

"Oh you guys don't know him. His name is Calix," Aspen said casually as she ran upstairs. 

Dan choked. 

"She's weird," Phil said shrugging his shoulders. 

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