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The Officers did end up showing up at Dan's house. They searched for about 5 minutes but of course found nothing. They had been doing this for long enough to know how to hide a few bombs and handguns. Before Dan went downstairs he said hi to his brother and sister who were doing homework. He also walked into his mothers room just to find her asleep. At least he saw an empty bowl of soup meaning she did eat today. 

Everyone in his squad had arrived his house within the next hour or two. One of the things they learned at training camp was to always be ready to drop everything. Of course Dan allowed people to miss short meetings if their parents were dying or something. 

They had gathered around the square planning table located inside the bookcase room. On Tuesday they would be heading down to the heart of London and simply setting off smoke bombs and spray painting the walls. The bigger the mess, the more attention. 

Dan looked around at all the faces chattering. He was in charge of all these lives. It was all on him every second of everyday. 

Aspen had soft ginger hair that looked like Phil's if he didn't dye it all the time. She didn't have his crystal blue eyes but rather dark green blue. For someone who has killed multiple people are is pretty badass, she wears a lot of pastel and floral clothes. 

Next to her were Ava and Willa. The three of them had slowly became close friends. Ava had short brown hair with a white streak running through it and green eyes. She looked most like a rebel out of them all. She wore leather jackets and leather pants. Willa on the other hand had lilac purple hair and dark blue eyes. She also wore a lot of black which seemed to be a constant theme in this group. Kenna, Tatum and Finley were all in a conversation laughing with each other. Kenna had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Not as bright as Phil's though. Tatum and Finley both had brown hair and grey eyes. Tatum did have green streaks running through parts of her hair. Lex and Edmund were in a conversation about the same physics test that Dan and Phil were studying for. Lex had curly blonde hair and brown eyes while Ed had bright blue hair and grey eyes. 

Dan looked around at all these colorful lively humans. He joined this rebellion to protect the people he cares about the most. But this has caused him to carry the people he cares the most about into battle. 

"Alright guys lets go over our-" Then there was a knock on the door upstairs. It wasn't the secrete code knock. 

Everyone faces snapped towards the stairs when they heard the sound. 

"Shit," basically all of them said at the same time.  

"Hide the knifes. Masks on just in case," Dan said as he ran up the stairs grabbing his black mask. 

He walked up to his door and looked out of the side window. He let out a huge sigh and threw his mask to the side under a chair. He opened his door. 

"Hey. You forgot your physics binder at my house. And since we have the test tomorrow I thought you would want it, " Phil said. Dan immediately lost all rational thoughts when he met Phil's eyes. 

Dan hated this. He hated every second of it. He had a whole rebellion to worry about and he was over here getting lost in his best friends eyes? What is wrong with him? He is the most feared and powerful person in all of England. Except the King of course. 

Jesus Christ Dan stop day dreaming about your best friend. 

"Oh yeah. Thanks. I've been looking for it everywhere," Dan said. He has gotten good at coming up with lies on the spot. 

"No problem. You need to stop being so forgetful Danny," Phil giggled, "I'll see you tomorrow morning Dan." He walked back out and Dan closed the door.

Dan sighed and walked back downstairs through the bookcase. He walked in to see a bunch of people in masks. 

"It's find. It was just Phil," Dan said as he placed his own mask back down on the table. 

Everyone did the same. The masks were something special in Coda. They were fit to your face and gun proof. It was also a tradition in the Squad Wings to paint your mask. Dan's was simple. Black with a grey cross through the middle. Dan noticed how Aspen rolled her eyes to Ava and Willa. All the girls giggled. 

"Okay. So what time do you think we should leave to head into the main part of London?" Dan asked.

This was usually how planning meetings went. The decided on leaving around 12. It was starting to get hard to come up with excuses when Dan would leave school. He was worried Phil would start noticing that whenever Dan left school early, an attack would take place in London. 

"We are just doing smoke bombs and spray paint this time. Aspen, Ava, Willa, Ed and Finley will all  be in charge of spray paint and Calix, Tatum, Lex, Kenna, and I will work with the smoke bombs. We will take the van," Dan said. Everyone nodded in agreement. 

"Wait Dan the news is about to come on," Kenna said running over to find the remote. 

When Dan designed the bookcase room he placed a few desks with computers and a few TVs. He also put in couches for people to sit on. And then there was the square planning table with a bunch of maps and blueprints. Dan also had 10 chairs around the table even though no one really sat down. Across the back wall was a few guns. knifes, bombs, and other weapons and things that they used sometimes. Dan did require people to have a handgun and their mask with them at all time. 

Everyone went over and sat on the couch to watch the news. They always watched just to see if The King had done anything else. 

"Welcome to the nightly news. My name is Haley Park and tonight we will go straight to The Palace as The King will be giving his daily speech."  

The screen switched over to the live video of The King. Dan hated his face. He was dark brown hair and blue eyes. He was always dressed in luxuriance clothes covered in jewels and gold. 

"Good evening citizens. I am King Ash. Today has been an awful day for some citizens. Echo and the rest of his awful team killed 10 random citizens on the west part of London," The King stated. 

He did that a lot. Stated that Dan had killed a bunch of people everyday just to hide that his soldiers kill people for saying or doing anything against The King. Thankfully, most citizens did not actually believe The King. 

The King went on to talk about random police things that Dan was half listening to when the TV screen suddenly went fuzzy and black.

"What happened?" Calix said clicking buttons of the remote. Before he could do anything a distorted voice came out from the black screen. 

"Hello citizens of England. I am the Messenger. I am here to bring you real news that is to biased. Today The King murdered 10 people for having board games in their house. Echo had nothing to do with it. My signal is about to be cut out but all I want to say, Echo, if you are listening we support you and I can't wait to work along side you." 

The screen cut back to the same reporter as earlier. She had a shocked look on her face and then the news cut out. 

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