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"Who do you think it could be? Like who are they? I wonder if you could un-distort the voice and hear what they sound like," Phil said. He was going on and on about the Messenger. The whole school was buzzing about what happened on the news last night. 

They were just walking out of their physics class and Dan totally failed that test. He and they rest of his squad stayed up trying to un-distort the voice just like Phil had said. But for some reason every time they did it, the voice just became more distorted. 

"It's probably a random old dude in his basement," Dan said shrugging. Phil was crazy about Coda and always wanted to talk about the things Echo and the rest of Wings does. Dan always tried to act like he didn't care. 

They had English last period together and then they were going back with Ed and Lex to have a game night at Phil's house. They walked into the class and sat down in their seats toward the back like usual. Everyone else slowly started to walk into the class before the bell rung. Once the bell did ring however, a girl with rose-pink hair walked into the room. 

"Oh you must be Vera Rye am I correct?" The teacher asked the girl causing a wave a mummers to travel through the classroom. 

"Wait is that really the generals daughter?" Phil whispered over to Dan. Dan felt sick. 

General Rye was one of The Kings right hand men. Dan, or Echo, has had multiple run ins with the general and they usually ended with Dan or someone else getting hurt. 

"Yeah I am," Vera said happily. 

"Great you can take a seat next to Dan," The teacher said pointing to him. Why him? The one person in this class that is deathly scared of her family? 

"Nice to meet you Dan. I'm Vera," She said happily as she sat on Dan's left. 

"Nice to meet you as well. This is also my friend Phil," He said back happily. Phil smiled at her. 

"Nice to meet you both. This room has kinda a weird echo to it don't you think?" She said randomly. 

Phil looked confused while Dan looked horrified. Before anyone could say anything else the teacher started the lesson. 


As they left the school and started walking toward Phil's house, Dan's heart was beating a mile an hour. That wasn't a normal thing to say right? For her to just mention echos randomly? When she was the daughter of the general? Dan made a mental note to talk about her when they were driving to the heart of London. They are going to have to keep watch over her and her family. 

"Dan do you ever think about joining the rebellion?" Phil asked suddenly. 

"No not really," Dan lied.

"I think it would be exciting. Being apart of something like that. And imagine being as strong and powerful as Echo. He's just amazing. Everything he does for us," Phil said making Dan blush. Even though he wasn't talking about Dan directly, it still meant a lot to hear Phil say that. 

"I don't want you go off getting hurt Phil. Echo does that so you don't have to get hurt," Dan said. That was true. The main reason Dan joined in the first place was to protect his and Phil's family. But since Aspen joined, he didn't really care about anyone but Phil. 

"I know you don't. And I would probably be to scared anyways. But I also see the fun in it. I bet Echo and his squad are like a family," Phil said dreaming about what it would be like to be in the squad. 

"I bet they are. But, don't worry. You have me," Dan said giving Phil a soft smile. 

"You're a dork," Phil said rolling his eyes as they walked into Phil's house. Right when they walked in they heard Aspens voice. 

"Phil! Dan! Get in here!" She yelled from the living room. They both ran in to see both Phil parents and Aspen standing around the TV. The screen was black and the same distorted voice from last night was coming through it. 

"Echo. Phoenix. Nicotine. Emerald. Pluto. Sunshine. Midnight. Cheetah. Wizard. Hurricane. To some people those names scare them. To others they are a beacon of hope. Today Sunshine and Midnight saved a family of 5 from being executed," Dan's confused eyes met with Aspens, "Echo would have been blamed for these deaths like all the others that he has not committed. In total Squad Wings has only killed 50 people. All of whom in the past have killed someone in Coda." 

That was true. Dan hated killing people but out of those 50 had killed 25. Aspen had killed 6. Calix had 10. Ava had 2. Willa had 2. Ed had 1. Lex had 1. Finley had 2. And Tatum had 1. 

"As the Messenger, I am here to tell you the facts. You can not trust The King. He is lying to all of you," And then the broadcast was cut short. 

"Who is this person," Dan mumbled under his breath.

"Do you think it is still safe to go to London tomorrow?" He heard Phil mum say. Both Dan and Aspen snapped their heads back to look at her. 

"What do you mean?" Aspen asked her. 

"Your father and I were going to take you both to the main part of London for a nice day out," Phil's mum replied. 

"I think we should still be safe hun. We don't have to be scared. If anything happens I bet Echo will be there," Phil's dad said. 

Dan looked over at Aspen who looked worried. She would just have to not take part in the plans for tomorrow and make sure her family stays out of harms way. 

"You guys should be safe. Plus whats the chance of something actually happening?" Dan said shrugging letting Aspen know that she had to go with them. 

Before anyone could reply the sound of the door bell went of signaling that Ed and Lex just got here. Dan and Phil went to open the door. Dan couldn't wait to not think about Echo things for a few hours and hang out with his friends. 

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