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They pilled all the paints and smoke bombs into the back of the van. Since Dan's house backed into a forest area they hide the van in the trees. Dan moved Calix over to the Paint team since he wanted a lieutenant in that group. 

"Remember. When we get there, everyone get your stuff and go separate ways. You have 5 minutes to cause as much chaos as possible. Then hide somewhere and remove you mask, bomb or pain, and jacket in your bag. Make sure your grapple gear is also hidden," Dan said as the closed the doors to the van and everyone pilled in. 

About the time Dan became the leader of the squad someone in the higher ups invented this grapple gear of sorts that allowed them to easily fly through the air. He didn't know who made it but Dan was sold on the theory that the person was just obsessed with Attack on Titan.  

Aspen told Dan the areas that her family would be so they could avoid them and not get the Lesters involved with anything. 

Calix started the van and they started the short drive from here to the main part of London. 

"Dan did you hear the that General Rye's daughter transferred to our school for some reason?" Ava said suddenly making Dan remember what happened the day prier. 

"Yeah. She's in Phil and I's English class. She ended up sitting next to me and one of the first things she said was 'don't you think this room has a weird echo?'" Dan said watching all their facial expressions change. 

"You don't think she somehow knows that your Echo?" Tatum asked him. 

"I don't know. But that's weird right?" 

"What did Phil do?" Kenna asked. 

"He just looked really confused," He replied. 

"We are getting close. Put your masks on," Calix said from the drivers seat. 

Dan had done this thousands of times at this point but it never got less nerve-racking. He didn't really understand why he always got so scared. It wasn't like they were raiding The Palace today. Calix turned into an empty alley way and everyone got their stuff together. Dan placed his grey mask over his head. Inside the mask there was an ear piece so they could all talk to each other. There was also a distorter near the mouth area so whenever they talked it caused their voices to sound totally different. The mask was also bullet proof which was useful. 

Every squad in Coda all had making black bullet proof jackets. Squad Wings had paintings of Wings on the back with their code names. Dan slipped his over his black t-shirt and zipped it up watching the others do the same. He grabbed his grapple and a chain of smoke bombs. 

"Everyone ready?" He asked. 

Everyone nodded. 

"Okay. Ready. Set. Go," He said as everyone pilled out of the van and shot their grapples in separate ways. 

Dan pressed the trigger on his and was shot into the air releasing one of his smoke bombs. He heard the screaming of random citizens below him and he landed on the roof of a building. 

He watched as other smoke bombs and sprays of colors exploded around them. He also heard the distant sound of police sirens. 

Dan took off running and jumped down to ground level as he let another smoke bomb off. 

"Is that Echo?" He heard a random women yell. 

Dan kept running and grappling around letting off a few more bombs when he heard a loud band and fell to the ground. In front of him stood five armed officers with their guns pointed at him. Dan looked to his left and saw a little girl sitting in the road holding a teddy bear and crying. In a near by shop window he saw a frantic woman yelling at the child. 

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