Chapter Five

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 Kara woke to find herself lying on an uncomfortable cot. Her shoulders and back hurt immensely. Reality slowly began setting in. She had given up her powers. Ollie was upset. Lois was dead. Superman was gone.

Guilt washed over her. Did I wish for this? she thought. I wanted the world to miss me and now this? I never wanted this. She shut her eyes tightly. Lois didn't die because of me.

But she couldn't shake the feeling. She got up and looked around the darkened room. Except for a dresser and table covered in folded blankets, the room was empty. Light leaked in through a short window at the ceiling. She stood on the cot and pushed aside the curtains to see nothing but green lawn. She tried in vain to pry it open. Her heart sank. She crossed the room in a sort of trance. As she reached for the doorknob, she knew it would be locked. She felt around her pockets for her phone, but it was gone.

Once again, Supergirl found herself trapped in someone's basement. Only now, she's carrying twins, and has no powers. To make matters worse, this time, the stakes were much, much higher.

Ollie doesn't know where I am. He found me before, but that's because Felicity helped him hack Reid's computer. But there aren't any computers here. He has no idea that Ursa captured me... Full of despair, Kara began to cry.

Just then she heard the door beginning to be unlocked. She quickly dried her tears. She didn't want Ursa to see her broken down. She had to be strong, even without her powers.

"Ah, good to see you're awake. I brought you some chicken soup," she said, offering a steaming bowl.

Kara felt sick with hatred. "No thanks. I'm a vegetarian." She made to swat the bowl away, but Ursa grabbed her wrist with lightning reflexes.

"Not so fast. A woman in your condition needs to get plenty of nutrition. Vegetarian or not. I don't give a damn about your high-minded ideals. Don't make me force you."

Ursa released her steel grip. The pain brought fresh tears to Kara's eyes. Through gritted teeth she said, "What are you doing this for? Why keep me alive?"

"I want you to..." a sinister smile crept across her face "...produce your half Kryptonian offspring. If you manage to give me a male, it will help me rebuild the master race."

Kara's mind whirled. A male? Master race? Holy shit!

"You and Zod...had...had a child?"

"She's all I have left of him. Your cousin took our powers and tossed us over a cliff of ice. Somehow, I survived. When I discovered Zod was gone, I wanted to die too, just to be with him. But I soon discovered I was carrying his child, and it gave me purpose. I would seek revenge on Superman. I was thinking he and Lois would have a baby eventually. But then I heard about you."

"Me..." Kara whispered. Her hands went to her belly, protectively. Ursa's insane, vengeful, racist attitude was driving her mad. She would never let her take her babies. Never. Kara's eyes, full of hate, rose to meet Ursa's. But Ursa was out the door. Had she been looking, she would've seen the red flicker across Kara's pupils.  

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