Chapter Seven

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Kara's Log: Star-date 1_24_19

Day four of captivity. Scoured the cell for anything useful. Discovered this notebook, a pencil, hairbrush, a super ball and three paper clips. Captor leads me upstairs for bathroom breaks and other personal hygiene needs. I heard a baby crying once when I was brushing my teeth one night. Ursa left off guarding me to sooth it. I was able to determine the location of the nursery by listening to her footsteps and hearing a door opening. Extra sensory powers are returning but greatly diminished. Even at full strength I was no match for someone like Ursa. Small window offers little sunlight. Outlook is bleak. What bothers me is that Ursa said "But then I heard about you". I know that Kal and Lois were trying to have a baby. And if Oliver and I hadn't been so hasty (turns out, most normal methods of birth control don't work for me) Ursa would've kidnapped Lois instead of me and she wouldn't be dead right now. If Oliver was here he would tell me to stop blaming myself and focus on the task--

Kara heard Ursa fiddling with the lock on the other side of the door. She quickly stuffed the notebook under the bed with the rest of the items. She laid down on the bed and pretended to be tossing the ball at the ceiling.

"I brought you this to help you pass the time," Ursa handed her an iPad. "I downloaded every episode of Star Trek for you."

Kara took it, surprised.

Ursa snorted. "I'm not a monster."

Really? Kara thought. I beg to differ.

"And you've been a model prisoner lately, so I thought you deserved it."

Kara ran her fingers lovingly across the iPad."How did you know I like Star Trek?"

Ursa turned as she was about to leave. "You posted a hundred pictures of yourself dressed as Yeoman Rand at a Trekkie Convention last week on Instagram and--" She pointed to the cinder block wall by the window. "You put up a crude drawing of the Enterprise on my wall."

"I," Kara said sheepishly. The truth was, in her anger, she had punched a dent in the wall. She was hiding it with a sketch because she didn't want Ursa to know her powers were returning. She was only briefly exposed to the yellow Kryptonite. Bruce had assured her it was enough for the time being.

"Enjoy. I have to continue reading Encyclopedia Britannica to Zoe. I read Volume's A through F while she was in utero. We're reading about the Inca civilization now. She will understand how men dominated over women throughout the ages. But all that's going to change now. Women will rule. We will be the smartest, fastest, and the strongest."

Ursa cackled and left the room.

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