Chapter Fifteen

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Superman didn't stay long after the funeral for Lois. He said he needed to get away. His plan was fly to Mogo, the planet that was also a Green Lantern. He promised he would return in time for Kara to give birth to her two boys, something he had also pointed out. Kara and Oliver decided on the names Robert, after Oliver's late father, and Thomas, the name of his old high-school friend, also deceased. Kal said goodbye shortly after the wedding.

"Remind me again exactly why we're snooping around up here?" Oliver asked, looking around the conference room in the JLA satellite.

"We're not snooping," Kara replied, leaning over one of the computers. She didn't stay in this position long due to the strain on her back. She sat down in a chair. "I'm uploading all of the holograms and information about Krypton that had been stored in the Fortress, since it's no longer safe to keep our people's history there."

"Well...can't you do that some other time? We're supposed to be on our honeymoon."

"Oooo. Someone's got ants in their pants," she said playfully, raising her eyebrows up and down. "I'll be done in a second," she said staring at the screen. "We can get down to business while this is uploading."

"Here?" Oliver said, surprised. "Isn't this place guarded by Martian Manhunter?" He looked around as if he was expecting Jonn to be standing nearby.

"Don't worry. He's not here. I told him to take the weekend off. And I knocked out all the surveillance cameras as well."

"Do you you think it'"

"Leaving Zoe with Bruce and Alfred?" Kara continued at her task. "They take care of Dick all the time. It'll be fine. Of course Bruce rolled her eyes when I told her Ursa's stipulations about playing NPR for Zoe every night and such, but really, what's the worst that could happen?"

"No no," Oliver squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. "I mean... you know, with the twins..." Kara gave him a funny look. He motioned with his hands.

"Oooh!" Kara giggled. "It's safe. Don't worry. I'm still in my second trimester and the amniotic fluid and uterine wall will protect them. Besides, they're super, like me." She sighed and typed something into the computer.

Oliver edged closer. "You know I've heard," he raised one eyebrow, "that some pregnant women...lose their sex drive."

Me? Never, Kara thought. She swiveled her chair around to face him. "You know I've heard," she said, imitating him, "that some men become turned off by their wife's changing body shape."

He smiled. He leaned over and put his hands on the armrests of her chair. "That's not us, is it?"

"Heck no," Kara said firmly.

He put his hands at her sides and kissed her. "I think there's an extra bedroom up here somewhere," he said. "I want you to be as comfortable as possible."

He made to lift her and she floated up into his arms.

"Wow," he said, holding her, "light as a feather."

"I don't want you to strain yourself, Ollie," she patted his back. "Save your energy for something else..." she purred.

They made their way down the corridor to the sleeping quarters.

"If we do this here," Oliver wondered out loud. "Does it constitute as space sex?" he asked.

Kara laughed wildly. "Let's agree that it does!"

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