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It's Saturday and late evening, Hime taking her free time now as a chance to taking a rest at hidden spot at beach on a near cliff and hanging her both bare feet. Far from sight of people, surrounded by rock and there are small cave with fit some people to sit together and having small camp. Soft breeze of the ocean make her calm and distress her from all day stress. Those wave near cave as if calling her continuously to come and soaking her feet while singing.

Then she hears a dog bark loudly behind her and that startle her up to standing up immediately. She saw a big brown-haired dog running towards her.

"No, Becky! Sit!!!" a male voice shout loud from behind. For respond, the dog really stop and sit.

She's sees Ryuji standing beside his dog.

"Huh? Miyahara Hime?" he ask, when he sees her.

"You?" as how Ryuji shock, it's is in same case as Hime. Without realize she step backward towards the edge. She could see a rocky area under her being splash hard with violent wave for a seconds as if it want to catch her.

"Hey, that's dangerous..." in reflex, he rush towards he and catch her waist and turn her around far from the edge.

"Are you alright there?"

"Huh?" she get spaced out while staring at him from close distance.

"Are you alright?" he ask again out of concern.

"Huh? Oh..yes. I'm alright." but now he staring intently and close enough to see what his eyes color are. "Urmmm...excuse me, you can let me go now?" she turn her glance to other side while blushing.

As if he just realized, he let her go and take few steps backward to let her some space to take a breath and calm herself.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm the one who should..." before she could finish her words, she could feel sting pain on her right feet. "Ouch!!!" she writhing in pain and clench her teeth to stand out pain.

"Huh? Your feet are bleeding!" he shocked when sees that wounds. Hime taking her sit on where she sit earlier and taking a look at her wounds.

"Yeah, a little."

"Eh? That's not a little!" while he said that, his eyes are big staring at Hime's eyes. "It's deep cut. We should treat it immediately. Or else it will leave huge scars." in panic but calm voice. His hand move swiftly into ripping the edge of his black shirt, a green with white "WEBTOON" logo on it into long fabric like a rope and he bind to put some pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding.

"No. It's okay." she look directly at his ripped shirt with a face like want to said. "Eh? Your clothes..." but he simply ignored it.

"No. It's not okay." he glance all over the place, looks like search for something.

"We didn't have any choice." he said it, while stand near her, turn around and showing his back while he bend down on his knees. "Come here. Get on my back."

"Huh?" the dogs come at the same time when she want to reach and hold his shoulder.

"Come on! You will lose lots of blood with that deep cut there."

"But...that dog..." she point out her hand towards that dog while shivering.

"Are you afraid of dogs?" he ask, while glance slightly at her. And she nods weakly. In responds, he sigh. "Becky, sit still! Now...come on."

"But..." she hesitating, and this time cause of shy.

"Come on" cause of frustrating waiting her to get on, he grab her hand and carry her easily.

From Ryuji's perspective.

"Ryuki, can you take Becky go out for walking with you today?" Ryuji's mother.

"Huh? But mom, today is Ryo's turn right?" he peeking at her mother walking around at the kitchen. Back and forth, she seems to be really busy.

"He can't go out today. He fall sick. High fever"

"Again?" he frown when he heard that. "Is he okay?"

"He asleep after I gave him medicine. Replace for him, alright?"


"Thank you so much, Ryuki."

"Yeah, I'm going."

He going out and walking straight to his golden retriever, and it did seem excited upon seeing his owner came. Becky is 4 years golden retriever and that's how long that accident has been passed. His mother brought in right after that to make he feel calm and save. "Oh. Are you that happy to see me, Becky?" he pat while it put his front paws on his shoulder.

"Alright, I know. Came on. Let go walking."

As usual, he heading to his favorite place that he usually go. But he found out that he's not alone anymore cause there's someone sit there while facing the ocean. She's seems distant and lonely even looking from behind. He decide to just retreat up until Becky rush toward her and recognize who it is, make both of them startle. That make him rush catch her in next moment. Now, he helping her to treat her wound.

"Are you really okay there?"

"Yes. Am I not too heavy?"

"Honestly, no. You are much more light than I expected." he honestly answer that.

She seems to be really afraid of dogs but at the same time she curiously staring at it. They goes straight to nearby clinic and he paid all cost for that. And they gave her stick to let her walk.

"Are you want to going anywhere after this?" he ask it when they walking out from the clinic.


"To apologize."

"You did plenty of that, you know."

"Oh yeah? So...where did you want to go?"

"I should be buying some groceries now."

"I will go with you. And I will send you to home too after that."


"No but...it getting late. And it will be dangerous if you walking by yourself at night."

"Ah...Yeah. You're right." she looking up at sky and just recognize it. Just remembered about those recent accident that happen.

She seems pretty comfortable with him even their just met. And a flash of face come and gone for a few second when he staring at her. But that face are blur to be able to see.

"Is something wrong?"

"No...Nothing." he cover his face with one hand. (What is that just now?)


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