Ornamental Fish 2

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Very next day, Quack seen to be stray around in the city with a jar of fish. Passerby look at him with strange glance, talking all by himself like he have anyone else beside him. But right after, he saw Hime in the middle of road walking alone, he start to keep on following her all day. Tiring himself just like that easily. This Quack guy fall asleep as soon as he lie down on his bed when the moon has been already rise. He seems not to be too poor to not be afford to stay at the hotel at the city. He put ornamental fish's jar on the wide table. But then something unexpected going on with this little Queen Angelfish, it keep glowing nonstop. The water inside are splash violently like being it being shake with something. Just like that, the fish jump out of the water and swimming freely into the air, getting bigger and bigger. It smash the window and came out to the night sky. The peoples who sees that turn to be shock and screaming in terrified. Quack woke up due to some noise came from outside. In half asleep, he look toward his window and came to realize that the window are smash into pieces. He jolt out of the bed and rush toward the window and came to see a giant fish swimming outside.

"What the?" said he, shocked. He turn to his back and looking at the jar, it's empty. The fish in the jar has gone. By the time he turn around again to look at the giant fish he saw earlier, has gone pretty far from where he stand. He running towards the door and he decide to chase after that fish to know what has happened to it. When he step outside, he heard a lot more screaming voice everywhere. There's a lot more ornamental fish turn bigger and smash everything on their path.

"Yes, yes... go make some chaos. Go find your dear friend...." the mysterious man smile with a scary mouth and wide like a piranha's teeth. He staring at the wide bowl filled with water.

"What is that thing?" ask a man in the middle of the street while pointing at the sky.

"Hey, stop lying to me!" another woman wearing work uniform pass by.

"Look!" said he with terror, pale face. When she saw that face she knew he didn't lie, almost all people around her running away. She turn and saw a big fish swimming towards them not far from where they stand.

"Keep running!" shout policemen1. "This way!" far behind him are the line made from police cars. Standing there, they are in ready position all around in perimeter.

While the other keep running away, there's a single person calmly walk in opposite direction.

"Hey you. Did you hear me? Get away from there!" shout policemen2.

This person is a young man stop and look towards policemen, he wearing white plain mask without mouth, have messy chrome blue hair with crystal red eyes. Long brown sleeve shirt, a sword belt with a wooden sword, black pants covering with a black cloak, black high knee boots.

"Who are you young man?" ask policemen2.

"You should go too." said he, while he pull out his wooden sword.

"What you could actually do with that?"

"Just go."

"Up to you then."

Just in light leap, he could jump up high on the building and got on above one of ornamental fish's body. He could see a purple eye's symbol on it's back. He stab the eyes with his wooden sword. Then when the symbol are gone, the ornamental fish explode into smoke and disappear. He land safe on ground. While those policemen in the back in awe on what they just saw.

"Sir, how did you do that?" ask policemen2, when he walking toward them.

"Gather around those fish in one place." said mysterious mask young man.

"Excuse me?"

"Give your order to your men to start gather those before it went further and make even more damage." said he, and leap away on building.

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