Became a mermaid

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Zylia : My name is Zylia, nice to meet you. *she's said it while smiling while held out her hand.* And may I know your name, my lucky customer. *she held it in the gap between either of them.

Ryuji : My name is Ryuji. Nice to meet you too. *he shakes her hand instead.*

Zylia : And... what about this beautiful young lady over here. *ask her while peeking over Ryuji's shoulder.*

Hime : It's Hime. Nice to meet you too.

Zylia : So, are you both are siblings? *she's staring at between Hime and Ryuji*

Hime : No, we are not.

Zylia : Really? Because both of you have similar hair color...and kinda have some similarities too.

Ryuji : So... Did you prepare for that show soon?

Zylia : Of course. Did you guys want to try to be merpeople?

Ryuji : Oh no, I'm afraid that I have to kindly refuse that offer. I can't swim. *awkwardly smile*

Zylia : Too bad. If you didn't refuse, we will have some chance to see a merman in my show. And... *she turns towards Hime.* What about you then? Did you know how to swim?

Hime : I... *she anxiously look at Ryuji* I think...I could try if I can...

Zylia : Good! *she's staring at Hime's face and it is really close to her face and that make Hime to step backward* We will make up yours first and I will show you how to swim with a tail.

Hime : Thank you.

Ryuji : I will... be waiting outside. *he turns around and walks away. He has his smile on his face up until after he's close the door. His face changes completely right after that*

Zylia : Thank you.

Few people came into their room, one talking about taking care of Hime's hair, another handling on her make up. In this chaos, Zylia and another one choose their outfit together.

Zylia : Our very first step is, I will make you to make some warm up. Use regular fin then monofin. Soon after that, I will give you permission to wear that suit. Is that okay? *she points at the costume laying on the box*

Hime : It will be a pleasure of mine to wear that, Miss Zylia.

Zylia : Good then.

Hime : Can...I ask something? I heard on how well you could actually swim like a real mermaid. Is that true?

Zylia : Well, I did.

Hime : That's impressive.

Zylia : Thanks.

Hime : You're welcome. *said she while smiling*

Zylia : Miss Hime, did you believe that merpeople exist out there somewhere?

Startled by Zylia's questions, Hime's smile turns into awkward.

Hime : Maybe, I did. *stare at her legs while softly touch them with a sad face* Did you believe it?

Zylia : Of course I am. *she said it with confident*

Hime : I see.


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