Chapter 1

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Jin's Pov

My break is almost over what am I going to do about Rain? The boys don't know hell my parents don't know about her.

You know what screw it I'm texting PD-nim.

In the text:


PD-nim: Yes Jin?

Me:Well you see....

PD-nim: What is it Jin?

Me:I have a 5 month old daughter.

PD-nim: Wow didn't expect that.

Me:And her mother ran away with another man

PD-nim: So you need to bring her with you on Monday.


PD-nim: Do the boys know?


PD-nim: Well I'll  be happy to meet her.

Me:Thank you PD-nim

PD-nim: No problem

I put my phone away and went to get  my Little girl up from her nap.

"C'mon,my little princess" I said sweetly.Once she saw me she started making cute baby noises. Jeez my daughter is adorable. "The boys are going to try and  steal you but I wont let them,nah ah." I said to her cutely.We went down to the kitchen to make dinner. I put her in her high chair and gave her some cheerio's and her favorite toy 

This is her favorite toy:

This is her favorite toy:

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First I made her bottle and homemade baby food. Then I made my food. Then I took her to the living room  to watch some movies. And went to bed.

Time skip to Monday~~~~

 I got up and got ready.I went to Rain's room. She was up and playing with her little feet. I chuckled and  picked her up.I got her dressed in a cute baby outfit.

Her outfit:

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Than I got her bag and left.

At the company~~~~

All the boys where there already with PD-nim. I walked in their faces were calm,for now. "Hey guys I have a surprise" I said happily. "What is it, Hyung" Jungkook asked very curious. "Well...." I said nervously. They all looked at me curiously. "I h-have a d-daughter" I stuttered. They all were shocked. We all heard the cutest giggle. The boys ran around me to my baby carrier. 

This is what they saw:

This is what they saw:

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How will they fully react once it sinks in?

Welp see ya next time!!!! <3

Jin's little girl |DISCONTINUED|Where stories live. Discover now