The Lee Felix Situation

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So as you all know from a previous rant I do not condone this

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So as you all know from a previous rant I do not condone this. Who the fuck do they think they are to say that to a person?! How dare they call them self a STAY?! If you were truly a STAY you wouldn't say that. You would ask if Felix is okay, because he has losing weight and you can see it. And from what I have noticed he seem sad, possibly even depressed. So STAYS when you go to watch a live and Felix shows up ask him if he's okay. Show him that you care about him.

And if you see those type of comments instantly report for th sake of the boys. Please. He never did anything wrong. He's always tried his best for STAYS. So please don't let this bully win, because if he does we might lose another wonderful idol to suicide. So please please try and spread awareness about this. Hell even put it in the racist #'s on Twitter, just spread the awareness. Please for the sake Of Felix.

Edit: If it seemed if it isn't apparent I'm taling about the asking felix to cut him self and how it felt. I swear to God and everything I hold dear if we lose another wonderful idol because of people's jealousy I'm done. Like most have said on this matter. If this doesn't stop I. Am. Done.

Imagine what will happen to Stray Kids if they lose Felix. They will most likely disband. So this is for people that do this and comment telling others to hurt them themselves: If JYPE or SKZ finds out it was you, you will most likely be sued or charged for murder depending on the laws in South Korea. So do you really want to hurt a person who has worked his ass off to make you and the rest of STAYS happy, well if your really a STAY you wouldn't do this, just to feel good about yourself and like you accomplished something just to end up with nothing. You know what I think? I think your a internet troll who likes to people down, who have somethings you don't have and that is Talent, looks, and most of all a amily that supports you in your chosen path of life.

Now I didn't get to finish this fully because I was so angry yesterday.

To Felix and my more depressed peoples:

Remeber you are wanted. Remember you are beautiful. Remember you matter. Remember that you are strong. If you weren't then you wouldn't be here today. You would most likely be somewhere doing something you hate. But no here you are being involved with things people hate on for not understanding. Felix, you didn't know alot of Korean and you almost didn't debut, most people would have given up, but you worked harder to learn it and harder to debut because you wanted to debut with SKZ, because you wanted to debut with your brothers. So if you ever feel like your weak remember you learned a whole new language to be with those boys, so don't make all of that work for nothing and keep going show those assholes whose stronger, and internet troll or Lee Felix. That goes for everyone else if you worked so hard for something and someone started say this shit to you to put you down, then work harder show them that you are stronger because you dont need to put someone down to feel good about yourself. All you have to do is be you to feel good about youself.

And also Lee Felix please remember that you always have someone in that dorm you can talk to. You are not alone in this world.

Neither are any of you that read my books. If you just need to ran to someone I'm always here and my inbox is always open.

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