!!RANT!! read this

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So i wanted my content to be politic free but this I need to speak out on. I understand people want racial equality but I have a question.

What about the children? What about the kids being brutally abused? What about the little boys and girls out there crying themselves to sleep because they can't go home because they're thousands of miles away? What about those little girls who are being taught that their choice and opinions doesn't matter?

These kids need more help then racial injustice. There are kids being brutally raped, beaten, and killed as we speak. These children are our future and if this is how their going to grow up imagine how our world will be?

This shouldn't be how children should be raised, they shouldn't have to fear leaving their homes. Our children are more important then politics, racial inequality, and all that.

So please to save our future and our children, stop sex trafficking and pedophilia. Save our children.

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