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I was tired when I woke up. We were out int he forest almost all night it was tiring. We were walking back and forth, sitting down to play with the ouija board. We were hearing things but we knew, alone in a dark forest at night, especially when you know the history and you are waiting for something can play tricks with your mind. The sound of the wind breez on the leaves, the animals stepping on small branches, all freaked us out. But we knew its just our imagination. 
At least we thought.
At one point we were so afraid and fed up with the small noises, we forgot to say goodbye to the ouija, which is one of the most important rules of the game, but we didn't care. We just needed to get out of there. Then we almost immidiately went to the airport to catch our plane to head back home.

I dressed up in a red hoodie and black trousers to make my way to the kitchen. I rubbed my face with my hands to wake myself up a little more while making small steps out of my room. 
I was living with Sam in a relatively big house. We have never thought we would go this far in life. Looking back to our small town life, being the center of bullying, this, what we achieved is a real miracle. Moving to Los Angeles

- What's up? - I asked Sam as I arrived to the kitchen.

- This night was insane - He smiled tiredly. - The Ouija snapped.

- Yep - I laughed and I searched some milk in the fridge for my breakfast cereal in the late afternoon. - Your face was so real.

- I was real - he laughed too. - It wasn't me who moved it.

- Yeah, sure - I rolled my eyes and I tried to find a clean spoon. 

For real, we need to do some house work soon.

- I swear - He laughed and raised his arms, defending himself. - Anyways, did you started to cut the video?

- Mm - I nodded my head no. - I will start now. I was so tired I slept through the day.

- Shout if you need help - He offered. - I will be here in the morning.

- Okay, thanks - I smiled.

He stood up and gave me a sloppy high-five while he walked out. I was left alone in the kitchen. Everything went quiet, only the crunch of the cereal between my teeth could be heard. I was bored and went through social media, what I loved to do. I gained motivation, positivity and so much love from our fans trhough it, even if we could not meet in person. I smiled on a lot of comments and did screenshots of some recommendations.

I sighed as I walked back to my room. Everything was too quiet. My head felt dizzy from the lack of sleep I have got. I wanted to lay back into my comfortable bed, but I knew I have to work on the footage we have from last night. I stopped as I arrived into my room. 
Did I left that water bottle on the bed? 
I swallowed then I took a deep breath and I shook my head. I really need to rest more. Maybe I will work on some tape for a while than I will sleep back. Maybe I will wake up in the middle of the night this way but I cannot focus for long like this.

- Where the fuck is my cable? - I murmured to myself with raised eyebrows. 

I looked at my desk where I left my cable to connect the camera to my PC. Ialways leave them in one place not to lose it. Weird. I don't like when my staff is not where it needs to be. Sam also knows that he can always borrow anything but he has to ask me first. I hate when my things just go missing out of the blue.

After-life /Colby Brock/Where stories live. Discover now