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I set up the camera and the four of us stood in front of it. We were laughing, but we knew that the nervous and anxious feeling will took it over soon. The old church seemed abandoned, we could still see the broken windows because the Sun just started to get down. We could see some broken walls, bent fences and signs of trespassing warnings.

- What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby - I started the introduction as usual. - Today we are here at the local state church in LA - I swang my hands up and pointed at the building behind us. - We are here with Nate - I took my hands towards him. - And Josh.

The guys started clapping and did a weird dance as a nice introduction. 

- We already walked around a bit and as you can see, the church is secured with fences all over - Said Sam and moved away a little so the camera can see the building. - But we found a broken window at the back and the fence is a bit bent over, so let's go there and see what we can do to get in!

- But - I said and smiled nervously - There are cops around. - I picked up the camera so we could move. - So we have to be really careful and quick.

- Yes, however its surrounded, there are a lot of cases of homeless trespassing, drug users stuff - Said Sam and as we were walking, he sometimes looked at the camera but mostly payed attention to the road in front of him. - These buildings are easy to use for even demonic rituals or any kind of acts. But the police is afraid because of the uncertain construction of the old building and not to collapse on anyone. We also have to be very careful where to go and what to move.

- Yes - I sighed and I walked to the other side of the road while the others were following. - We have to wait for the police car to pass here, then we will have a short amount of time to get in.

- Okay - Everybody nodded.

- Sam would you tell us the story of the building, while we are wating? - I asked and I moved the camera to my best friend.

- Yeah - He smiled. - So the church was built in the 1700s, since then there have only been minor renovations, but pretty much everything remained is original. The place was sold four times and returned to state ownership because something inexplicable always happened. The first owner - He took out his cell phone to rifle through and read the name he wrote down to himself - Charles Berndt, bought the church in 1826 for private use, but died just six years later. No one could say in what. It then returned to the hands of the state until it was purchased in 1858 by Francis Cole, a French immigrant who wanted to organize his own church here. However, he also died four years after buying the church, also for unknown reasons.

- That's crazy - Nate laughed and looked at us.

- Right? - Sam asked smiling, but then looked back at his phone. - It was bought for the third time in 1915 by a military officer to shelter as many people as he could during the World War, but most of the people went crazy, they claimed to see ghosts, they couldn't sleep because of the sounds and they constantly felt that something was watching them. At the end of the war, the place came into the hands of the state again and it was last bought in 1973 by a guy named James G., who was a pastor and moved to the city with his family. He wanted to hold his own gatherings here, but he also died mysteriously. According to his family, he behaved strangely for months before his death, the man who believed in God suddenly started talking about hell, denied the existence of God, and then one morning he was found dead in his bed. Doctors said he had a heart attack, but his family said he was healthy.

He put his phone down and looked at us in ave, waiting for some response.

- That's really strange - he laughed.

- So - I started and directed the camera at myself, laughing from the nervous feeling. - There is something inside who kills people or people go crazy from it. ANd we want to go in there. Cool - I summed it up, still laughing, then moved the camera again to face the others.

- I will tell you if there is anything you have to be afraid of - I heard a voice next to my ear, it was quiet but still managed to get into my brain.

Chills went down on my spine and I tried not to flinch, because I knew it was a voice only I could hear. Melody was there with me and she took care of me. Of us. 

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