Positive Energy for Dummies.

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Levi was still seated by the window as more people piled inside, judging them from his high seat on the sill. None of them looked worth his time. All of them looked shitty as their problems. Their depression and self hurt leaked from them from so far up. Dear God, he hoped he wouldn't get stuck with any of these shitty people.

"Levi? Want to come and join the group? We're missing someone, but we can just start some introductions without them," Hanji said, clapping her hands together. The other people, who wore name tags on their shitty shirts made thier way back to their seats, sitting uncomfortably close to one another, due to Hanji's seating arrangement. Levi glared at the the last seat. He hoped that late fucktard decided not to show up at all, so he might be left without a stupid accountability partner. He shoved his seat back over to the circle, and Hanji began with her small introduction of her group and the purpose of their being here.

"Hello you all! As you know, I asked you here because you all suffer from all types of negative thoughts constantly rummaging through your adorable little brains!" Hanji giggled. Levi rolled his eyes. Hanji had a really fucked up way of handling her therapeutic practice. She didn't focus so much on the person, more on what their brains and emotions were doing. In a way, it worked, but it made her seem much weirder and delusional than she already seemed. 

"But! Today is the beginning of new thoughts, happier thoughts, positive thoughts," she said calmly, giving the circle a smile. "Can we begin with everyone just giving me a smile~?"

A few people gave her genuine smiles, while the rest either gave her sarcastic and shitty Pan-Am grins or didn't smile at all, just looking around like they were clueless. Levi just stared down at his tumbler, it suddenly becoming the most fascinating thing in the world. 

Hanji began to laugh once she saw the lack of participation. "C'mon you all, don't be a drag. No one wants to get another prescription of Prozac, do we~?" She said, her grin maniacal. "Or get put back on suicide or overdose watch? Those are your two favorite things in the world, right? No? Oh, well then, come on, just give me a big smile~" She cooed. This time, everyone gave her their most genuine smiles. Everyone except Levi, of course. He could give a rats ass about Hanji's threat. While she may happily carry out the threat to the other clients, it would take more of a shove for Levi to actually do what she asked. One of the smiles turned upside down when they noticed Levi was not following instructions.

"He's not smiling," the woman--her name was Pamela, what a shitty name-- pointed out, gesturing to Levi's bored expression. Levi didn't move his face muscles at all once she made it clear he wasn't smiling. He just gave her a look, his piercing eyes a murderous glare as he stared her down. But Pamela was a stubborn woman, he'd give her that. But Levi was a stubborn man. Not to mention he had a very low tolerance for bullshit. Pamela soon backed down, averting her eyes from his stabbing and irked glare. Hanji gave a nervous chuckle, giving Levi a look. Levi rolled his eyes, returning his gaze to the tumbler.

And that's when the honking started. 

All the clients rushed to the window, curious about why there were so many unhappy drivers honking away and yelling curses out their window.

"Jesus Christ, this kid is an idiot," a guy--Timothy-- mumbled. Levi lazily got up, pushing Timothy and another guy--Liam-- out the way to see what all the fuss was about.

A brunette teen was running through on-coming traffic, barely getting by with a car swerving out the way or hitting him. But Levi noticed something the others didn't. The teen wasn't just randomly getting in the way of the cars, he was moving with some sort of symmetry and grace. It was almost like he was dancing through the traffic. Eventually he stopped being a menace to society and ran all the way across the street, entering the building they were in. 

"Oh my....." Hanji sighed, as she moved away from the window. "Well, this will be interesting....' she murmured to herself, walking over to the whiteboard. "Come on you all, let's get back into our circle."

The group moved back to their seats, murmuring about this suicidal idiot who was now inside the building. Levi was also curious about this suicidal brat, but he didn't spend much time on it.

Until the elevator opened, that is.

There he was, the brunette from the street. Walking into their group with a wiry grin and blue-green eyes that sparkled with mischief. His tan skin and messy hair mixed perfectly with hisoutfit, which was now a bit wrinkled from his daring feat a few minutes ago. 

He didn't look like a mess. He didn't look like he needed any 'Positive Energy'. The kid looked like a ball of energy wrapped up into a human body. A pretty cute body, at that. 

Levi could survive this shitty group if this suicidal brat was around.

"Sorry I was late Dr. Zoe. Mikasa ran into traffic picking me up so...." he said, grinning even more. Hanji nodded in understanding, giving him a slight grin as well. 

"And I kind of just ran across a busy intersection."

"Yes, we all witnessed that," Pamela spat. Levi frowned. He already had an issue with Pamela and she hadn't even introduced herself yet. "You're a suicidal idiot. You must be insane," she huffed, taking a sip of her coffee. Eren didn't seem phased by her rude remark.

"Suicidal idiot? That's new. Normally it's suicidal bastard." He said, sitting in the chair directly across from Levi. "And I am insane, thank you Captain Obvious." Eren said, grinning again. Pamela looked deeply offended, and Hanji began to laugh. 

"I see you took my advice on turning all your insults into compliments, Eren, good. But remember, you shouldn't reciprocate the negativity. Especially not here," Hanji said, giving the teen--Eren-- a small pat on the back. Eren shrugged, pulling his legs into the chair in an Indian style. 

Levi sat back in his seat, tuning Hanji out as she returned to explaining her group's purpose to Eren. He watch as the brunette's eyes listened to her so intently, nodding as she spoke. He had so much energy, he hardly had to try. Levi was a bit jealous of this. This shitty brat was probably born happy. Levi soon found himself glaring at Eren. 

He didn't actually need any more positive fucking energy, anyway.

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