Lively and the Leech (Minor Smut Warning)

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[Hello my darling readers~! I apologize for this long awaited update, and I want to thank you all for 2k reads! And 200 votes! Eeeeeeek~! I'd never thought this fic would get so much love~

But anyway, enough of my words, let's get this update rolling~






Sparks flew as Levi's lips went into Eren's, taking the brunette off guard. He went into a frozen panic, his mind screaming a million commands, yet unable to follow any of them. He could tell Levi was pleading for him to kiss back, but Eren simply couldn't move. After a painfully awkward moment, Levi let him go. The ravenette didn't even look at Eren as he removed his lips. 

"I'm sorry." Was all he said, whipping around and rushing to leave. Eren snapped out of his frozen stupor, reaching out to grab Levi by the arm.

"W-Wait!" He stuttered. "I...I'm sorry, no, please, don't go--"

"Let me go, Eren," Levi said, looking away from the teen. He felt embarrassed, his pride and feelings wounded. 

"No, listen, I'm sorry, let's just-- Do that over again, I'll be ready this time, just--"

"Eren, just let me go, please....." 

Levi looked back at Eren with a look that nearly broke his heart. The ravenette looked like he had been stabbed in the chest, and Eren was the one wielding the bloody knife that had done the deed. 

He couldn't let Levi go like this. Not after what he'd just read.

With a nervousness, Eren pulled Levi back, and the shorter male let him, his eyes toward the ground. With a gentle finger, Eren tilted his face back up, his sea green and blue eyes meeting the slate grey ones. He slowly leaned in, and with a slight quiver of his lips, pressed them to Levi's.

 This time, no one froze. No one pulled away. The both of them stayed perfectly still, their lips melded together in perfection. Slowly, Eren's hand cupped Levi's face, and Levi leaned up into Eren's hands, his own resting on the brunette's neck.

They stayed like this for a while, kissing in silence, when Levi took another gamble, running his tongue along Eren's bottom lip. Eren didn't hesitate this time, opening his mouth a crack, allowing Levi to invade with his tongue. 

As Levi finished exploring Eren's cavern, he found that they had been transported to the floor, Eren on top of him as their slow kiss escalated into a wet war between tongues. Quiet moans began filling the air, and Eren pulled away, only to remove his shirt. Levi gazed up, his eyes meeting Eren's.

The sea-green eyes sparkled with the passion that Levi craved, the energy and love of life that he longed to have. It was in his grasp, and he could take a big chunk of it right now....

He wanted to sink his teeth into the boy, wanted to drain every once of life and heart out of him. He wanted to draw blood from him, taste the metallic tinge of the red liquid, which he was sure was made out of Eren's uncanny energy and life.

He wanted this so badly.

But yet he found that he couldn't take it.

As Eren leaned back down to kiss him again, Levi held up his hand, sitting up on his elbows.

"Eren...." He sighed. "We....I....We shouldn't do this."

The brunette pouted, which Levi found immature yet adorable. "But why?" He whined. "I know, that's what you wanted...."

Levi nodded, sitting all the way up, making Eren lean away and stare at the ravenette with pure confusion. "I did...I do," He started. "But....I....I can't."

"Is it Ryan?" Eren asked, biting his lip.

"No, no, no," the other male insisted. "I just....I don't want to hurt you."

"How would you hurt me?"

"Because I want to tap the fucking life out of you."

Eren looked less startled than confused. Levi sighed again, running his hands along Eren's torso. The smooth, tan skin made Levi blush.

"I mean, you have so," He began explaining. "So much energy, so much enthusiasm for everything, even the littlest shit. And I have....I have nothing. I have no will, no care for anything. I barely wake up with a reason to get up and go about my day. But I see you...You're so lively. I hate it. I fucking hate it." Levi said, his hands forming into fists on Eren's chest, punching it lightly. "I hate it so much, sometimes I just want to grab you by your shitty collar and yell and scream at you, so you know how fucked the world really is. How life isn't so goddamn worth living for. How fake happiness truly is."

Eren opened his mouth to speak, but Levi cut him off. 

"But then I read your goddamn story. I listen to how you speak. How you view things. And then I just want nothing but for you to hold me. Tell me it'll be okay, tell me that I should keep living. Remind me that you aren't simply some picture perfect teenager. You're flawed. You're a fuck-up. You don't try to be, but you are. And you want to be better. Even though you're already better off than half the people in this godforsaken world. "

"No.....I'm not--" Eren said, looking down, but Levi wouldn't let him finish.

"Whatever, Eren. My point is, you're're just so goddamn up, always up, and I want that. I want to be able to smile on a whim, laugh about dumb shit that happened five months ago, I want to be able to have people who are worth living for every damn day," He said, his eyes trained on Eren's. 

"I feel like a fucking leech. Craving the life of others to sustain my own needs. But eventually, what will happen? Nothing lasts forever. Someone will get hurt, and it is usually never the leech. It's always the host. I don't want to hurt you, Eren," Levi said, removing his hands. "But I just want to be able to have that life whenever I need it. And it's more than I want to admit."


Levi gasped as he woke up. He was still sprawled out on his couch, papers surrounding him as he slowly groaned, gaining his mind back little by little. As he recalled what he'd just experienced, he hoped to God he hadn't made Eren uncomfortable with his long ass speech and abrupt kiss.

Then he realized.

It was all a dream.

His letting Eren read his paper, his going over to Eren's house in the rain, the kiss, the leech speech-- all a dream. 

He groaned again. He needed to take his medication.


Levi sat on his bed, a wicked smile on his face. Goddamn, he felt great. He felt like a million rainbows tied into a bow with puppies and sparkles everywhere. But he frowned as the logistics of that began forming in his mind, and he stopped, thinking of another thing to compare it too.

Levi had taken one too many Prozac pills in the last hour.

But his happy high would soon come crashing to an end.



Please don't hurt me, I'm fragile..... TTwTT

I hope you enjoyed~ UwU


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