Hospital Pancakes (A little update for you all!)

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[Hello my lovely readers! 6.4k, horry shet! I really love the support and love this fanfic has all rock! I know i've been sort of dead for a while, but I have been writing for NanoWrimo (National Novel Writitng Month) so that has taken up most of my time, plus, my birthday is tomorrow (November 27th aka Thanksgiving for those of you in America)! #TURNUP 17. But, alas not to fear! Nano is coming to an end! Which means December is a month of updates! YAY! So, here is an update for Pills and Potions, hope this makes up for how it left off a month ago! XD

~Much Love,


What's the point of fighting for anything....when you're not willing to fight for yourself...?

Eren sat in the hospital waiting room, his hands nervously clasped together as he leaned forward in the uncomfortable hospital chair. Hanji had called him earlier, letting him know that Levi was in the hospital for an apparent overdose. 

"They said he is stable, but he's still in a coma. I'll be over there in a little bit, I have to make some calls and let some people know what's happened. Can you just go over there for the time being, in case he wakes up? I want someone to be there for him. He's in a fragile state."

Eren had agreed, of course. The few times Levi had answered when he called, he only owed it to him. He ran a hand though his messy brown locks, awaiting any information or any sign of Hanji.

"Excuse me, sir?" A bright eyed nurse said, startling Eren.


"My name is Layna, Are you here for....Levi Rivaille?" She asked, flipping through a file with many official looking papers inside.

"Yes, is he awake?" Eren asked, standing up.

"Yes he is. What are you in relation to him?" Layna responded, looking up at him from her file.

"I'm uh-- a good friend. He doesn't have any family, so..."

"I see. Well then, I suppose I can allow you to see him." She said, writing something down on the files. "Is there anyone else that may be coming to see him today?"

Eren nodded. "His therapist slash friend, Hanji Zoe. I'm not sure if anyone else will be with her."

"I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we get to it," Layna said, giving him a smile. "Please, follow me. Did you sign in?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Alright, great. Right this way."

Layna led Eren through two double doors, passing a few quiet halls before reaching the hallway marked "O.D.V." The nurse led the brunette to room 104, and gently knocked on the door before she slowly opened the restricting block.

"Good morning Levi," Layna said with a bright smile. "How are you feeling?"

The raven was boredly poking holes into a styrofoam cup as he laid in the bed, draped in the oh-so-flattering hospital gown and bed covers. He shrugged when he glanced over, returning his attention to the cup. 

"Like shit. They won't let me eat anything. What sort of hospital fucking starves their recently over-dosed patients? I ought to sue." He grumbled, picking at the styrofoam beads that fell down from the cup. Layna let out a lighthearted chuckle as she walked inside.

"I'm sorry about that. Lucky for you, I've got good news. Your tests came back, so you can eat now. Plus, you've got a visitor."

Eren took this as his que to show himself, giving a wave. "Hey."

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