Family forever

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Once Mia calmed down fully her and Kevin went through to the living room to see Emily fast asleep on the couch and Mike sitting on the floor playing video games as he didn't want to move her incase he woke her up to sit on the sofa too so instead he just sat on the floor.

"'She's tired huh?" Mia said fixing the blanket the was covering her while she slept as mike paused his game.

" she had a really bad migraine after that vision so she decided to have a nap," mike whispered, " how are you feeling after earlier, I was gonna come through to make sure you were okay but I thought you needed space."

" don't worry about me I'm fine, we just need to focus on keeping safe and being positive, that's the only way we are going to see this through."

Suddenly the gap sensor went off waking Emily up as she clenched her forehead through the pain of the noise.

" you sure you'll be okay to fight em?" Kevin asked her as Emily nodded as the 4 rangers ran out as Jayden and Antonio followed from their rooms.

Once they got to the nylock they all morphed.

" well I don't see any glue," Antonio said as Jayden interrupted him.

" just keep your guard up everyone, we don't want anyone getting into a sticky situation." He said as the 6 rangers ran into battle.

" here so soon rangers!" The nylock shouted as it started battling the rangers quickly noticing that no one was using team work.

The nylock started laughing as it hit Jayden and Mia to the group as they rolled over and demorphed watching the rest of them fight.

" are you guys okay?" Kevin asked avoiding a hit and high rangers nodded getting up again and getting ready to morph to get ready to get back into battle.

" what has happened to the samurai rangers! All so weak, I know what will bring you together the nylock giggled pointing one hand at Kevin and one hand at Antonio and it suddenly fired and mike spotted It and quickly pushed Antonio out the way taking the hit as suddenly him and Kevin get dragged together as they demorphed and realised that their hands were stuck together.

" what did you do to them?" Jayden said as it now clicked what Emily meant by glue, as him and Emily both charged at the nylock it defended their attacks and blew they both down as they landed with a bang

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" what did you do to them?" Jayden said as it now clicked what Emily meant by glue, as him and Emily both charged at the nylock it defended their attacks and blew they both down as they landed with a bang.

" come on Kevin let's try morphe, em and Jayden are down," mike said as him and Kevin got up and tried to morph but with both their hands being stuck together they couldn't even take their Morphers out of their pockets, let alone being able to draw their symbols to actually morph.

" mike left right, left right!" Kevin shouting yanking at both mikes are as mike pulled his arms back to his pocket as him and Kevin started shouting at eachother.

" guys watch out!" Mia and Emily both shouted running in front of mike and Kevin who were even morphed as they took a hit for them as they both fell to the ground and demorphed as they laid unconscious and mike and Kevin automatically tried to run to them but fell over as mike tripped over Kevin's legs.

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