Chapter - 55

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I stared at the restaurant's washroom mirror working on my new look.

I was wearing a contact lance and big round glasses. I put on my hijab and did my makeup. I was currently getting ready for disguising myself as a regular customer in the cafe and I was disguising myself as an old woman.

I put fake lines in my face to make wrinkles. Once I finished my makeup, I bend down a bit and held onto a stick to make myself look more old.

I was wearing an old fashion skirt and top. I put a fake old yellowish teeth shell and put it on my actual teeth, to make myself look old.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

There was no way anybody would ever recognize me in this disguise. I looked exactly like an old woman.

I took out my phone from my bag and checked the time. It was almost 6:45 PM, almost 7:00 PM.

Inspector Ian was already disguised himself with blond hair wig and blue contact lenses and he was waiting in the resturant table for Marc.

Inspector Ròse, on the other hand, was on the balcony of the resturant, and she was keeping an eye on the surroundings.

I wasn't too worried about inspector Ian and Ròse but I was worried about Ty. According to the plan, Ty was suppose to dress up as a waiter and we have talked to the manager of the resturant already. Because we were there for a mission so he allowed Ty to wear a waiter's uniform and to work here only for few hours, however, he was in the boys changing room and changing, currently and I was worried that if he would be able to act his role well.


I heard my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and noticed it was Ty. I received the phone.

"Hey Ty," I said. "Are you done changing?"

"Yes," Ty replied. "I am waiting outside the women's washroom for you. So, when you are done, come out."

What?! Seriously? Like wasn't it weird to say outside of the women's washroom?

I hung up the phone call and walked out of the washroom, beinding down and holding one stick, trying to stay in the character. I saw Ty, wearing his waiter uniform and standing outside the ladies washroom.

I took my stick and tapped him with it from his back.

Ty turned around and looked at me. His facial expression was unreadable. It was like he was trying to understand if it was really me or some actual old lady.

"Um . . . Hi," he rubbed the back of his hand on his hair. "Grandma, is there another senior woman in the washroom?"

I bit my lower lip to hold my laughter.

So, Ty didn't understand that it was me in disguise, after all.

I played along with his confusion.

I caughed a bit to make my voice more crackly and said, "no, my son. There is nobody inside the washroom."

Ty looked confused. He bend down and peeked his head on the corner of the washroom. "Are you sure -"

I used my hand and grabbed his ear and pulled it.

"Ouch grandma!" He said as I pulled Ty away from the washroom and pulled him on a corner. "Why are you pulling my ears? I am trying to find my wife there."

I let go of his ear and took my stick and hit his legs playfully. "Idiot Ty!"I said in my normal voice as Ty looked at me in shock. "How come you didn't recognize me?"

Ty gasped. "So, this is you! I mean, Jess!"

"Yes," I rolled my eyes. "Is it that hard to recognize me?" I sighed.

Ty nodded and then begin to stare at me.

It was getting a bit weird. "Ty?"

Ty looked at me and put his arms around my neck, "If I was single and unmarried and not to mention, if I was 80 years old then at a glance, I would see you and fall in love with you."

I rolled eyes and then laughed. Ty laughed with me.

I then remembered why we came to the resturant and looked at Ty. "Ty, I have to go to the cafe now. We have to start the second part of the plan," I said. "You know what we have to do, right?"

Ty nodded. "Yes, don't worry, wifey," he smiled and pulled me in a hug. "I know my task very well."

I hugged him back. I was glad there wasn't any people in the hallway or else people would think that a grandma was hugging her grandson.

I felt Ty pulling away from the hug and cupping my cheeks and made me look at him.

"Please be careful, Jess," Ty said. "I was almost about to loose you before-"

"Ty," I smiled as I put my arms around his cheeks. "I am going to be okay. I have done more dangerous mission that this. We have to put Marc behind  the bars."

Ty nodded and leaned closer to my lips. His finger held my chin and as his face leaned closer, I couldn't help but to feel the hot sensations running down my spine.

This wasn't the first time Ty had done something like this, but I still felt so weird. I felt like I just wanted to hide my blushful face somewhere.

I felt Ty slowly sealing his lips on mine.

It was a short kiss but it felt like I was floating in the air freely. The soft touch of his lips was sending sensations down my spine. My fingers ran onto his vest and held onto his shirt collar.

Ty pulled away from the kiss as I leaned my face on his chest. I don't wanted to show Ty my red face. It was embarrassing but I didn't regret it. Ty was always so gentle with me.

"It's 7:00 PM. We should go to the cafè,"I heard his whispering as he pulled me away from his chest and kissed my forehead.

I nodded. "Good luck," I smiled.

Ty smiked at me and pulled himself away from me and made his way towards the kitchen.

I quickly fixed my hijab which was a but tilted and looked around. There wasn't anybody. I then bend down down an old lady and grabbed onto the stick and made my way towards the cafè seat.

I went to the cafè and took my seat across the table where Inspector Ian was seating, in disguise.

He looked at me and nodded.

I have him a nod as I put bluetooth around my ear and because my ears were under my hijab, nobody saw it.

He pulled a blue tooth that was designed as small as an ear bud and put it on his ear and pressed on the button so that I could hear their conversation.

Now all we had to do was to wait for Marc to start our plan.

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