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                          They said:

I was that child that hated school
I was that child that said what's the point
I was that child whose name they couldn't pronounce

My name is José not "Josee"
My name is Adaku not "ayedakoo"

We realised that because of our names people had already prejudged our futures.

We realised at a young age as immigrants that we had to prove other people wrong.

Knowledge is power
and education gives people like us a voice.

It's not our fault that you think we are stealing your jobs because we work hard
Until we reach the stars.

You see people look at my name & assume I'm a Mexican drug dealer
You see people look at my name & assume my English isn't clear enough for you to understand

I was that child that hated school.
I was that child that said what's the point.
I was that child whose name they couldn't pronounce.

All of that stopped when we realised that in order to make it out here we have to live our lives proving people wrong

Knowledge is power
and education gives people like us a voice.

Knowledge is powerand education gives people like us a voice

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Poetic-ish I, began in 2017-2020.Where stories live. Discover now