Slayer 2

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No way, I wanted to yell. I'd never have anything to do with a bloodsucker unless I was killing it. But this particular bloodsucker was my way to revenge. How could I refuse something like that? I couldn't decide. I just couldn't. Everything I'd ever wanted for everything I'd never wanted. Which side was stronger?

I could remember my family even so long after they'd died almost a year ago. My kind yet lethal -but only to vampires-parents, their eyes full of love whenever they looked at me. They would never look at me like that again. Little Kelsey, not even two years old, and now she'd never become two. My adoring younger brother-Shawn would have made such a wonderful vampire slayer. His training had been amazing for someone so young. He had only been eleven when his world ended. Then again, if he and the others were alive, I wouldn't be so extreme. I would have become a slayer, of course, but not one so hard and cold and merciless. Not one so powerful. Grief had made me strong and uncaring, closed off from love-from anything except the drive to kill, except revenge.

"So what's it going to be, mmh?" Xavier asked softly, his voice coaxing.

"What would you do if I refused?" I snarled, glaring hatefully.

His eyes were even, not even flickering when I asked him. His thin, long fingers, so graceful, so deadly, curled around my throat. "You die."

I could not suppress the quiet whimper, then hated myself for showing weakness.

"Don't worry, Princess, I don't think you'll refuse me. You want vengeance too much to be so petty," he murmured.

Who did he think he was, assuming about me like that-even if it was true... But that wasn't the point! "You don't know me," I hissed.

"Oh, on the contrary," he smirked, withdrawing his hands from my neck and tracing the line of my chin to my collarbone. I clenched my teeth at the casual manner he touched me. "I know you very well," he continued. "I know how you mourn your family, how hard you have become. But you still grieve. You are still in pain. I understand you perfectly."

"Shut up," I growled irately. "You don't know anything!"

"Oh, but I do. I know how their names hurt you. Don't you remember them? You couldn't have forgotten. Your parents, your siblings." His lips trembled with their names.

"Don't say it!" I gasped, abandoning my strong front. "Don't!"

"Do you remember Shawn? Talented for his age. I recall the rumors, about how he was to be watched and be wary of."

"No!" Just the sound of my brother's name had me almost over the edge. "Stop talking!" I begged, my eyes closing, trying to escape the sight of his vile creature.

"And your little, delicate sister. Kelsey was almost going to be too weak, too beautiful for a slayer. She looked like you, Princess..."

"Stop it, stop it," I moaned as the memories assaulted me. Flash-my parents comforting me after a bad dream. Flash-Shawn pulling me by the hand, leading me into the courtyard, chattering happily about whatever trivial matter that had presented itself to him. Flash-Kelsey cooing happily as she hugged what had once been my own stuffed animal. Flash-daily practice, fighting with Shawn, being impressed with his skill. Flash-my mother with a book, reading by the fireplace as my father sat beside her, holding her hand. Flash-holding Kelsey in my arms, cradling her against my chest as she slept, vowing to myself that I would protect her. That I would protect them all. And I had failed. It took me a while before I realized there were tears running down my cheeks, and I fought against my bindings so I could wipe them away. I had sworn never to cry again, but this vampire spoke their names and the tears fell like rain. I hated being weak, and I hated being weak in front of vampires even more. I hated vampires, I hated Xavier, I hated everything in the world at this moment. All I wanted was to have my family back, to be able to hold my parents, ruffle Shawn's hair, kiss Kelsey's forehead, to be happy. I wanted everything to go back to the way it used to be. What a nightmare...

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