Slayer 16

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  • مهداة إلى Teresa Chuang

I gaped at her, astounded at the question. Did I really have a hope of changing her so we could be together forever? Could I dare to let that spark of hopefulness spark in my heart?

She blushed and looked away, and I reached out to touch her chin, tilting her face up to look at mine. "Hey," I said, "Don't look away from me."

"I... Please...answer the question..." she whispered, her eyes-usually so open-suddenly unreadable.

I paused, trying to think of a way to answer. "Well, it's kind of hard to explain."

"I can keep up," she said softly.

I pulled away slightly, running a hand through my hair as I fumbled with the wording in my head. One false phrase and she might never want anything to do with me again. "Well... When I told you that I couldn't change you by just drinking your blood, that wasn't totally false." When I felt her become still against me, her eyes widening, I hastened to continue. "I just meant it was incomplete! It's just one part of the process." She relaxed against me, and I breathed a sigh of relief internally for easing her worries, accompanied by a pang of disappointment at her obvious ease. The emotions clashed against each other oddly, uncomfortably. "By biting you, my venom flowed into your bloodstream and imbued itself into your cells, permeating your blood completely, in just an hour after the blood was consumed."

As I spoke, I carefully analyzed her face, mostly trying to decipher her eyes. Other than that moment of alarm, nothing had caused a particularly intense reaction...yet. "That is the first element. To complete the process, you have to drink my blood." I didn't find any revulsion in her eyes, finding the confidence to go on. "Once my cells come in contact with yours, which have my venom, there will be a...reaction of some sort, changing your cells fully into vampire cells. Then you'd be one of us." I tried to keep how much I'd like that idea out of my voice. She didn't seem to have noticed, and the contrasting feelings twisted in my chest again.

"Hmm," she said nonchalantly, her tone neutral. I examined her countenance again, frowning slightly, and she reached up to smooth out my grimace. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"I can't tell what your reaction is," I confessed, still scrutinizing her.

She looked away, making it even harder, and I reached out to touch her chin, tilting her face back up toward mine. Then, of course, temptation was too hard to resist, and I kissed her.

I intended it to be gentle. That's not what it turned out as.

She gasped into my mouth, our tongues instinctively reaching out toward the other's, and my mind was taken by a thick haze of passion, tinting my world red like during the bloodlust.

Later, when I tried to recollect memories of what had happened between us, I could only retrieve fragmented moments, timed by heartbeats, like shards of a broken glass window, despite my superior vampire mind. She made me forget everything in the world, all of our troubles and concerns, except for her and her dizzying scent and luscious lips. I'd kissed her lightheaded, but of course, we had to be interrupted, my mind restored by the disturbance of Ser's entrance.

"Oh, crap! Sorry, you two!" he sputtered, hastily backing out of the room and pulling the door closed behind him.

Alexis blushed and ducked her head as I called him back. "No, it's okay, Ser. What is it? I thought we were still on the 'no visitors' rule?"

He tried to gather himself, enough to reveal awful news: "Ah, but it's kind of serious. We've intercepted a different message, and we used Alexis's way to decode it-and it said that they'd leaked the other one, and they're actually attacking today!"

I hissed a curse. "When!?"

"Sundown," he whispered.

As one, our heads jerked toward the window in unison, just in time to see the last sliver of the sun slip under the horizon. Alexis's heavy panting, now accelerated in fear and tension, was the only sound in the room-Ser and I had frozen with stress.

A bang sounded from remotely downstairs, near the ground floor of the building, and Ser snapped into action, his eyes wide with horror. "There's no time for you and Alexis to go into lockdown!"

"Lockdown?" she repeated incredulously, brow furrowing. "I'm not going to hide."

Ser did a double take. "You have to, Alexis. We can't lose you."

"I can't lose you," I murmured.

She cast a fleeting glance at me before turning to Ser, pleading, "Let me fight."

He sighed and shook his head. "You can't be at risk like that."

Her face was one of outrage. "You can't do that! I want to defend my lo-life here!" I tried not to react too obviously when I realized what she'd meant to say.

"I understand that," Ser tried to reason, "but there is too much at stake here."

"What he means to say is I can't lose you," I interrupted, correcting him. I stared deeply into her eyes, desperately attempting to convince her. Time was ticking by too quickly, and with every passing second, the slayers would come closer to taking her away from me. I was a pessimistic person by nature; while I had no doubts about the strength of the vampires I'd sent to guard, I was still severely conscious of the possibility of failure. I had to keep her safe, with me.

She gazed back into my eyes earnestly, her desperation matching mine. "Please, Xavier. I want to fight for what I love."

"It's too dangerous! When the slayers see you fighting against them, on the vampires' side, they'll go berserk. You'll just be signing your own death sentence. Right now, they think you're captured by us vampires, held against your will. It's the only logical answer, since you disappeared trying to kill me," I told her bluntly.

She slumped against my body, and she knew I was right. Another loud sound of impact, not unlike the thud of a person smashing into a wall, reverberated through the floors, and she jumped, tensing. I felt a brief hint of worry-I'd told my fighters to remain low, under cover, but would the slayers outwardly expose us in the fighting against us? The sound itself was peculiar...

"Oh!" Ser cried suddenly, breaking the silence Alexis' lack of rebuttal had caused. "The humans have evacuated out of the rest of the building; it's deserted now. A few rumors of insect infestation was good enough to get them out and never trying to come back. Their attempts at eradication weren't that useful." I breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to Alexis, the tension mounting. The absence of the innocent humans might do some good to sway her, tipping the scales, just enough...

Abruptly, yet almost as if she'd heard my thoughts, she sighed, echoing mine. "Fine."

-- may have noticed i cant write action scenes? :D (or can i? up to you xD)

thank you so much for getting me up to Whats Hot 174 :DDDD im amazed, you all are fantastic fans :)<33333333333333333333333333

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